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15 <title>YAZ++ User's Guide and Reference</title>
17 <author><firstname>Mike</firstname><surname>Taylor</surname></author>
18 <author><firstname>Adam</firstname><surname>Dickmeiss</surname></author>
29 <holder>Index Data Aps and Mike Taylor</holder>
33 <ulink url="&url.yazplusplus;">YAZ++</ulink>
34 is a set of libraries and header files that make it easier
35 to use the popular C-language
36 <ulink url="&url.yaz;">YAZ toolkit</ulink>
37 from C++, together with some utilities written using these
38 libraries. It includes an implementation of the C++ binding for
39 ZOOM (<link linkend="zoom">ZOOM-C++</link>).
42 This manual covers version &version;.
45 CVS ID: $Id: yazpp.xml,v 1.3 2007-05-22 11:11:05 adam Exp $
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