Remove demos that have moved to the demos repo.
[mkws-moved-to-github.git] / src / templates / summary.handlebars
1 {{!
2 Brief record from a search.
4 The non-metadata keys enable an optional link to display an AJAX popup that
5 fetches additional record detail.
7 containerClass - partial class attribute for element containing a record
8 detailLinkId - id for the element triggering detail display
9 detailClick - a click event handler for details
10 renderedDetails - active record details rendered from the details template
11 md-* - metadata fields passed through from backend
12 }}
13 {{#if md-thumburl}}
14   <a class="mkws-field-thumb" href="#" onclick="{{detailClick}}">
15     <img src="{{md-thumburl.[0]}}"/>
16   </a>
17 {{/if}}
18 <div class="mkws-field-data">
19   <span class="mkws-field-title">
20   <a href="#" id="{{detailLinkId}}" onclick="{{detailClick}}">
21     {{md-title}}
22   </a>
23   </span>
24   {{#if md-title-remainder}}
25     <span class="mkws-field-title-remainder">{{md-title-remainder}}</span>
26   {{/if}}
27   {{#if md-author}}
28     <span class="mkws-field-author">{{md-author}}</span>
29   {{else}}
30     {{#if md-title-responsibility}}
31       <span class="mkws-field-author">{{md-title-responsibility}}</span>
32     {{/if}}
33   {{/if}}
34   {{#if md-description}}
35     <div class="mkws-field-description">{{md-description}}</div>
36   {{/if}}
37   {{#if md-date}}
38     <span class="mkws-field-date">{{md-date}}</span>
39   {{/if}}
40 </div>
41 {{#if renderedDetails}}
42   {{{renderedDetails}}}
43 {{/if}}