$Id: README,v 1.7 2002-10-31 22:22:01 mike Exp $ cql-java -- a free CQL compiler for Java This project provides a set of classes for representing a CQL parse tree (CQLBooleanNode, CQLTermNode, etc.) and a CQLCompiler class which builds a parse tree given a CQL query as input. It also provides compiler back-ends to render out the parse tree as XCQL (the XML representation), as PQF (Yaz-style Prefix Query Format) and as CQL (i.e. decompiling the parse-tree). Oh, and there's a random query generator, too. CQL is "Common Query Language", a new query language designed under the umbrella of the ZING initiative (Z39.59-International Next Generation). More information at http://zing.z3950.org/cql/index.html XCQL is "XML CQL", a representation of CQL-equivalent queries in XML which is supposed to be easier to parse. More information at http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/zing/srwu/xcql.html (not much more, though) But if you didn't know that, why are you even reading this? :-) SYNOPSIS -------- Test-harness: $ echo "foo and (bar or baz)" | java org.z3950.zing.cql.CQLParser Library: import org.z3950.zing.cql.* // Building a parse-tree by hand CQLNode n1 = new CQLTermNode("dc.author", "=", "kernighan"); CQLNode n2 = new CQLTermNode("dc.title", "all", "elements style"); CQLNode root = new CQLAndNode(n1, n2); System.out.println(root.toXCQL(3)); // Parsing a CQL query CQLParser parser = new CQLParser(); CQLNode root = parser.parse("title=dinosaur"); System.out.println(root.toXCQL(0)); System.out.println(root.toCQL()); System.out.println(root.toPQF(qualSet)); // ... where `qualSet' specifies CQL-qualfier => Z-attr mapping DESCRIPTION ----------- See the automatically generated class documentation in the "doc" subdirectory. (It's not all there yet, but it's coming.) AUTHOR ------ Mike Taylor http://www.miketaylor.org.uk LICENCE ------- This software is open source, but I've not yet decided exactly what licence to use. Be good. Assume I'm going with the GPL (most restrictive) until I say otherwise. SEE ALSO -------- Adam Dickmeiss's CQL compiler, written in C. Rob Sanderson's CQL compiler, written in Python. All the other free CQL compilers everyone's going to write :-) TO DO ----- * Add proximity support to parser -- just the back-ends left to do. * Relation modifiers could be limited to known modifiers only. * Fix CQLParser and CQLLexer shell-script front-ends to elegantly handle their classes' test harnesses' ability to read the query from the command-line arguments, if any, falling back to stdin if there are none. * Add CQLGenerate shell-script. Allow CQLGenerate test-harness to take some arguments on command-line as well as or instead of a file. * Trivial CQLCanonicalise application, which renders out its source tree in a canonical form, enabling queries to be diffed for semantically significant differences only. Tests can be run by generating random trees, canonicalising them, then canonicalising them _again_ and checking that the before-and-after results are the same. * Some niceties for the cql-decompiling back-end: * don't emit redundant parentheses. * don't put spaces around relations that don't need them. * Write pqn-generating back-end (will need to be driven from a configuation file specifying how to represent the qualifiers, relations, relation modifiers and wildcard characters as z39.50 attributes.) * Consider the utility of yet another back-end that translates a cqlnode tree into a type-1 query tree using the jzkit data structures. That would be nice so that CQL could become a JZKit query-type, but you could achieve the same effect by generating PQN, and running that through JZKit's existing PQN-to-Type-1 compiler. * Refinements to random query generator: * Generate relation modifiers * Proximity support * Don't always generate qualifier/relation for terms * Better selection of qualifier (configurable?) * Better selection of terms (from a dictionary file?) * Introduce wildcard characters into generated terms * Generate multi-word terms * Write fuller "javadoc" comments. * Write generic test suite.