-/* $Id: filter_sru_to_z3950.cpp,v 1.23 2006-12-28 12:18:01 marc Exp $
+/* $Id: filter_sru_to_z3950.cpp,v 1.24 2006-12-28 13:26:06 marc Exp $
Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Index Data.
See the LICENSE file for details
union SRW_query {char * cql; char * xcql; char * pqf;};
typedef const int& SRW_query_type;
- //std::string sru_protocol(const Z_HTTP_Request &http_req) const;
- std::string debug_http(const Z_HTTP_Request &http_req) const;
- //void http_response(mp::Package &package,
- // const std::string &content,
- // int http_code = 200) const;
- bool build_sru_debug_package(mp::Package &package) const;
- bool build_simple_explain(mp::Package &package,
- mp::odr &odr_en,
- Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res,
- Z_SRW_explainRequest const *er_req)
- const;
- bool build_sru_response(mp::Package &package,
- mp::odr &odr_en,
- Z_SOAP *soap,
- const Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res,
- char *charset,
- const char *stylesheet) const;
- Z_SRW_PDU * decode_sru_request(mp::Package &package,
- mp::odr &odr_de,
- mp::odr &odr_en,
- Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res,
- Z_SOAP *&soap,
- char *charset,
- char *stylesheet) const;
- bool check_sru_query_exists(mp::Package &package,
- mp::odr &odr_en,
- Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res,
- Z_SRW_searchRetrieveRequest
- const *sr_req) const;
bool z3950_build_query(mp::odr &odr_en, Z_Query *z_query,
const SRW_query &query,
SRW_query_type query_type) const;
bool z3950_init_request(mp::Package &package,
const std::string
&database = "Default") const;
bool z3950_close_request(mp::Package &package) const;
bool z3950_search_request(mp::Package &package,
mp::odr &odr_en,
Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res,
const *sr_req) const;
bool z3950_present_request(mp::Package &package,
mp::odr &odr_en,
Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res,
const *sr_req) const;
bool z3950_scan_request(mp::Package &package,
mp::odr &odr_en,
Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res,
const *sr_req) const;
- Z_ElementSetNames * build_esn_from_schema(mp::odr &odr_en,
- const char *schema)
- const;
int z3950_to_srw_diag(mp::odr &odr_en,
Z_SRW_searchRetrieveResponse *srw_res,
Z_DefaultDiagFormat *ddf) const;
char *charset = 0;
char *stylesheet = 0;
- if (! (sru_pdu_req = decode_sru_request(package, odr_de, odr_en,
+ if (! (sru_pdu_req = mp_util::decode_sru_request(package, odr_de, odr_en,
sru_pdu_res, soap,
charset, stylesheet)))
- build_simple_explain(package, odr_en, sru_pdu_res, 0);
- build_sru_response(package, odr_en, soap,
+ mp_util::build_simple_explain(package, odr_en, sru_pdu_res, 0);
+ mp_util::build_sru_response(package, odr_en, soap,
sru_pdu_res, charset, stylesheet);
Z_SRW_explainRequest *er_req = sru_pdu_req->u.explain_request;
//sru_pdu_res = yaz_srw_get(odr_en, Z_SRW_explain_response);
- build_simple_explain(package, odr_en, sru_pdu_res, er_req);
+ mp_util::build_simple_explain(package, odr_en, sru_pdu_res, er_req);
// searchRetrieve
sru_pdu_res = yaz_srw_get(odr_en, Z_SRW_searchRetrieve_response);
// checking that we have a query
- ok = check_sru_query_exists(package, odr_en, sru_pdu_res, sr_req);
+ ok = mp_util::check_sru_query_exists(package, odr_en,
+ sru_pdu_res, sr_req);
if (ok && z3950_init_request(package))
- //build_sru_debug_package(package);
- build_sru_response(package, odr_en, soap,
- sru_pdu_res, charset, stylesheet);
+ //mp_util::build_sru_debug_package(package);
+ mp_util::build_sru_response(package, odr_en, soap,
+ sru_pdu_res, charset, stylesheet);
-bool yf::SRUtoZ3950::Impl::build_simple_explain(mp::Package &package,
- mp::odr &odr_en,
- Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res,
- Z_SRW_explainRequest
- const *er_req) const
- // z3950'fy recordPacking
- int record_packing = Z_SRW_recordPacking_XML;
- if (er_req && er_req->recordPacking && 's' == *(er_req->recordPacking))
- record_packing = Z_SRW_recordPacking_string;
- // getting database info
- std::string database("Default");
- if (er_req && er_req->database)
- database = er_req->database;
- // getting host and port info
- std::string host = package.origin().listen_host();
- std::string port = mp_util::to_string(package.origin().listen_port());
- // overwriting host and port info if set from HTTP Host header
- Z_GDU *zgdu_req = package.request().get();
- if (zgdu_req && zgdu_req->which == Z_GDU_HTTP_Request)
- {
- Z_HTTP_Request* http_req = zgdu_req->u.HTTP_Request;
- if (http_req)
- {
- std::string http_host_address
- = mp_util::http_header_value(http_req->headers, "Host");
- std::string::size_type i = http_host_address.rfind(":");
- if (i != std::string::npos)
- {
- host.assign(http_host_address, 0, i);
- port.assign(http_host_address, i + 1, std::string::npos);
- }
- }
- }
- // building SRU explain record
- std::string explain_xml
- = mp_util::to_string(
- "<explain>\n"
- " <serverInfo protocol='SRU'>\n"
- " <host>")
- + host
- + mp_util::to_string("</host>\n"
- " <port>")
- + port
- + mp_util::to_string("</port>\n"
- " <database>")
- + database
- + mp_util::to_string("</database>\n"
- " </serverInfo>\n"
- "</explain>\n");
- // preparing explain record insert
- Z_SRW_explainResponse *sru_res = sru_pdu_res->u.explain_response;
- //sru_res->record
- // = (Z_SRW_record *) odr_malloc(odr_en, sizeof(Z_SRW_record));
- // inserting one and only explain record
- sru_res->record.recordPosition = odr_intdup(odr_en, 1);
- sru_res->record.recordPacking = record_packing;
- sru_res->record.recordSchema = "http://explain.z3950.org/dtd/2.0/";
- sru_res->record.recordData_len = 1 + explain_xml.size();
- sru_res->record.recordData_buf
- = odr_strdupn(odr_en, (const char *)explain_xml.c_str(),
- 1 + explain_xml.size());
- return true;
-bool yf::SRUtoZ3950::Impl::build_sru_debug_package(mp::Package &package) const
- Z_GDU *zgdu_req = package.request().get();
- if (zgdu_req && zgdu_req->which == Z_GDU_HTTP_Request)
- {
- Z_HTTP_Request* http_req = zgdu_req->u.HTTP_Request;
- std::string content = mp_util::http_headers_debug(*http_req);
- int http_code = 400;
- mp_util::http_response(package, content, http_code);
- return true;
- }
- package.session().close();
- return false;
-bool yf::SRUtoZ3950::Impl::build_sru_response(mp::Package &package,
- mp::odr &odr_en,
- Z_SOAP *soap,
- const Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res,
- char *charset,
- const char *stylesheet)
- const
- // SRU request package translation to Z3950 package
- //if (sru_pdu_res)
- // std::cout << *(const_cast<Z_SRW_PDU *>(sru_pdu_res)) << "\n";
- //else
- // std::cout << "SRU empty\n";
- Z_GDU *zgdu_req = package.request().get();
- if (zgdu_req && zgdu_req->which == Z_GDU_HTTP_Request)
- {
- Z_GDU *zgdu_res //= z_get_HTTP_Response(odr_en, 200);
- = odr_en.create_HTTP_Response(package.session(),
- zgdu_req->u.HTTP_Request,
- 200);
- // adding HTTP response code and headers
- Z_HTTP_Response * http_res = zgdu_res->u.HTTP_Response;
- //http_res->code = http_code;
- std::string ctype("text/xml");
- if (charset){
- ctype += "; charset=";
- ctype += charset;
- }
- z_HTTP_header_add(odr_en,
- &http_res->headers, "Content-Type", ctype.c_str());
- // packaging Z_SOAP into HTML response
- static Z_SOAP_Handler soap_handlers[4] = {
- {"http://www.loc.gov/zing/srw/", 0,
- (Z_SOAP_fun) yaz_srw_codec},
- {"http://www.loc.gov/zing/srw/v1.0/", 0,
- (Z_SOAP_fun) yaz_srw_codec},
- {"http://www.loc.gov/zing/srw/update/", 0,
- (Z_SOAP_fun) yaz_ucp_codec},
- {0, 0, 0}
- };
- // empty stylesheet means NO stylesheet
- if (stylesheet && *stylesheet == '\0')
- stylesheet = 0;
- // encoding SRU package
- soap->u.generic->p = (void*) sru_pdu_res;
- //int ret =
- z_soap_codec_enc_xsl(odr_en, &soap,
- &http_res->content_buf, &http_res->content_len,
- soap_handlers, charset, stylesheet);
- package.response() = zgdu_res;
- return true;
- }
- package.session().close();
- return false;
- Z_SRW_PDU * yf::SRUtoZ3950::Impl::decode_sru_request(mp::Package &package,
- mp::odr &odr_de,
- mp::odr &odr_en,
- Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res,
- Z_SOAP *&soap,
- char *charset,
- char *stylesheet)
- const
- Z_GDU *zgdu_req = package.request().get();
- Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_req = 0;
- assert((zgdu_req->which == Z_GDU_HTTP_Request));
- //ignoring all non HTTP_Request packages
- //if (!zgdu_req || !(zgdu_req->which == Z_GDU_HTTP_Request)){
- // return 0;
- //}
- Z_HTTP_Request* http_req = zgdu_req->u.HTTP_Request;
- if (! http_req)
- return 0;
- //Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res_exp = yaz_srw_get(odr_en, Z_SRW_explain_response);
- if (0 == yaz_sru_decode(http_req, &sru_pdu_req, &soap,
- odr_de, &charset,
- &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->diagnostics),
- &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->num_diagnostics)))
- {
- if (sru_pdu_res->u.response->num_diagnostics)
- {
- //sru_pdu_res = sru_pdu_res_exp;
- package.session().close();
- return 0;
- }
- return sru_pdu_req;
- }
- else if (0 == yaz_srw_decode(http_req, &sru_pdu_req, &soap,
- odr_de, &charset))
- return sru_pdu_req;
- else
- {
- //sru_pdu_res = sru_pdu_res_exp;
- package.session().close();
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
-yf::SRUtoZ3950::Impl::check_sru_query_exists(mp::Package &package,
- mp::odr &odr_en,
- Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res,
- Z_SRW_searchRetrieveRequest
- const *sr_req)
- const
- if( (sr_req->query_type == Z_SRW_query_type_cql && !sr_req->query.cql) )
- {
- yaz_add_srw_diagnostic(odr_en,
- &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->diagnostics),
- &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->num_diagnostics),
- 7, "query");
- yaz_add_srw_diagnostic(odr_en,
- &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->diagnostics),
- &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->num_diagnostics),
- 10, "CQL query is empty");
- return false;
- }
- if( (sr_req->query_type == Z_SRW_query_type_xcql && !sr_req->query.xcql) )
- {
- yaz_add_srw_diagnostic(odr_en,
- &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->diagnostics),
- &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->num_diagnostics),
- 10, "XCQL query is empty");
- return false;
- }
- if( (sr_req->query_type == Z_SRW_query_type_pqf && !sr_req->query.pqf) )
- {
- yaz_add_srw_diagnostic(odr_en,
- &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->diagnostics),
- &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->num_diagnostics),
- 10, "PQF query is empty");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
yf::SRUtoZ3950::Impl::z3950_init_request(mp::Package &package,
= Z_RecordComp_simple;
- = build_esn_from_schema(odr_en,
- (const char *) sr_req->recordSchema);
+ = mp_util::build_esn_from_schema(odr_en,
+ (const char *) sr_req->recordSchema);
// z3950'fy time to live - flagged as diagnostics above
-// std::string
-// yf::SRUtoZ3950::Impl::sru_protocol(const Z_HTTP_Request &http_req) const
-// {
-// const std::string mime_urlencoded("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
-// const std::string mime_text_xml("text/xml");
-// const std::string mime_soap_xml("application/soap+xml");
-// const std::string http_method(http_req.method);
-// const std::string http_type
-// = mp_util::http_header_value(http_req.headers, "Content-Type");
-// if (http_method == "GET")
-// return "SRU GET";
-// if (http_method == "POST"
-// && http_type == mime_urlencoded)
-// return "SRU POST";
-// if ( http_method == "POST"
-// && (http_type == mime_text_xml
-// || http_type == mime_soap_xml))
-// return "SRU SOAP";
-// return "HTTP";
-// }
-// std::string
-// yf::SRUtoZ3950::Impl::debug_http(const Z_HTTP_Request &http_req) const
-// {
-// std::string message("<html>\n<body>\n<h1>"
-// "Metaproxy SRUtoZ3950 filter"
-// "</h1>\n");
-// message += "<h3>HTTP Info</h3><br/>\n";
-// message += "<p>\n";
-// message += "<b>Method: </b> " + std::string(http_req.method) + "<br/>\n";
-// message += "<b>Version:</b> " + std::string(http_req.version) + "<br/>\n";
-// message += "<b>Path: </b> " + std::string(http_req.path) + "<br/>\n";
-// message += "<b>Content-Type:</b>"
-// + mp_util::http_header_value(http_req.headers, "Content-Type")
-// + "<br/>\n";
-// message += "<b>Content-Length:</b>"
-// + mp_util::http_header_value(http_req.headers, "Content-Length")
-// + "<br/>\n";
-// message += "</p>\n";
-// message += "<h3>Headers</h3><br/>\n";
-// message += "<p>\n";
-// Z_HTTP_Header* header = http_req.headers;
-// while (header){
-// message += "<b>Header: </b> <i>"
-// + std::string(header->name) + ":</i> "
-// + std::string(header->value) + "<br/>\n";
-// header = header->next;
-// }
-// message += "</p>\n";
-// message += "</body>\n</html>\n";
-// return message;
-// }
-// void yf::SRUtoZ3950::Impl::http_response(metaproxy_1::Package &package,
-// const std::string &content,
-// int http_code) const
-// {
-// Z_GDU *zgdu_req = package.request().get();
-// Z_GDU *zgdu_res = 0;
-// mp::odr odr;
-// zgdu_res
-// = odr.create_HTTP_Response(package.session(),
-// zgdu_req->u.HTTP_Request,
-// http_code);
-// zgdu_res->u.HTTP_Response->content_len = content.size();
-// zgdu_res->u.HTTP_Response->content_buf
-// = (char*) odr_malloc(odr, zgdu_res->u.HTTP_Response->content_len);
-// strncpy(zgdu_res->u.HTTP_Response->content_buf,
-// content.c_str(), zgdu_res->u.HTTP_Response->content_len);
-// //z_HTTP_header_add(odr, &hres->headers,
-// // "Content-Type", content_type.c_str());
-// package.response() = zgdu_res;
-// }
-Z_ElementSetNames *
-yf::SRUtoZ3950::Impl::build_esn_from_schema(mp::odr &odr_en,
- const char *schema) const
- if (!schema)
- return 0;
- Z_ElementSetNames *esn
- = (Z_ElementSetNames *) odr_malloc(odr_en, sizeof(Z_ElementSetNames));
- esn->which = Z_ElementSetNames_generic;
- esn->u.generic = odr_strdup(odr_en, schema);
- return esn;
yf::SRUtoZ3950::Impl::z3950_to_srw_diag(mp::odr &odr_en,
-/* $Id: sru_util.cpp,v 1.2 2006-10-02 13:44:48 marc Exp $
+/* $Id: sru_util.cpp,v 1.3 2006-12-28 13:26:06 marc Exp $
Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Index Data.
See the LICENSE file for details
namespace mp_util = metaproxy_1::util;
-mp_util::SRU::protocol(const Z_HTTP_Request &http_req) const
+bool mp_util::build_sru_debug_package(mp::Package &package)
+ Z_GDU *zgdu_req = package.request().get();
+ if (zgdu_req && zgdu_req->which == Z_GDU_HTTP_Request)
+ {
+ Z_HTTP_Request* http_req = zgdu_req->u.HTTP_Request;
+ std::string content = mp_util::http_headers_debug(*http_req);
+ int http_code = 400;
+ mp_util::http_response(package, content, http_code);
+ return true;
+ }
+ package.session().close();
+ return false;
+bool mp_util::build_simple_explain(mp::Package &package,
+ mp::odr &odr_en,
+ Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res,
+ Z_SRW_explainRequest
+ const *er_req)
+ // z3950'fy recordPacking
+ int record_packing = Z_SRW_recordPacking_XML;
+ if (er_req && er_req->recordPacking && 's' == *(er_req->recordPacking))
+ record_packing = Z_SRW_recordPacking_string;
+ // getting database info
+ std::string database("Default");
+ if (er_req && er_req->database)
+ database = er_req->database;
+ // getting host and port info
+ std::string host = package.origin().listen_host();
+ std::string port = mp_util::to_string(package.origin().listen_port());
+ // overwriting host and port info if set from HTTP Host header
+ Z_GDU *zgdu_req = package.request().get();
+ if (zgdu_req && zgdu_req->which == Z_GDU_HTTP_Request)
+ {
+ Z_HTTP_Request* http_req = zgdu_req->u.HTTP_Request;
+ if (http_req)
+ {
+ std::string http_host_address
+ = mp_util::http_header_value(http_req->headers, "Host");
+ std::string::size_type i = http_host_address.rfind(":");
+ if (i != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ host.assign(http_host_address, 0, i);
+ port.assign(http_host_address, i + 1, std::string::npos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // building SRU explain record
+ std::string explain_xml
+ = mp_util::to_string(
+ "<explain>\n"
+ " <serverInfo protocol='SRU'>\n"
+ " <host>")
+ + host
+ + mp_util::to_string("</host>\n"
+ " <port>")
+ + port
+ + mp_util::to_string("</port>\n"
+ " <database>")
+ + database
+ + mp_util::to_string("</database>\n"
+ " </serverInfo>\n"
+ "</explain>\n");
+ // preparing explain record insert
+ Z_SRW_explainResponse *sru_res = sru_pdu_res->u.explain_response;
+ // inserting one and only explain record
+ sru_res->record.recordPosition = odr_intdup(odr_en, 1);
+ sru_res->record.recordPacking = record_packing;
+ sru_res->record.recordSchema = "http://explain.z3950.org/dtd/2.0/";
+ sru_res->record.recordData_len = 1 + explain_xml.size();
+ sru_res->record.recordData_buf
+ = odr_strdupn(odr_en, (const char *)explain_xml.c_str(),
+ 1 + explain_xml.size());
+ return true;
+bool mp_util::build_sru_response(mp::Package &package,
+ mp::odr &odr_en,
+ Z_SOAP *soap,
+ const Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res,
+ char *charset,
+ const char *stylesheet)
- const std::string mime_urlencoded("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
- const std::string mime_text_xml("text/xml");
- const std::string mime_soap_xml("application/soap+xml");
- const std::string http_method(http_req.method);
- const std::string http_type
- = mp_util::http_header_value(http_req.headers, "Content-Type");
+ // SRU request package translation to Z3950 package
+ //if (sru_pdu_res)
+ // std::cout << *(const_cast<Z_SRW_PDU *>(sru_pdu_res)) << "\n";
+ //else
+ // std::cout << "SRU empty\n";
+ Z_GDU *zgdu_req = package.request().get();
+ if (zgdu_req && zgdu_req->which == Z_GDU_HTTP_Request)
+ {
+ Z_GDU *zgdu_res //= z_get_HTTP_Response(odr_en, 200);
+ = odr_en.create_HTTP_Response(package.session(),
+ zgdu_req->u.HTTP_Request,
+ 200);
+ // adding HTTP response code and headers
+ Z_HTTP_Response * http_res = zgdu_res->u.HTTP_Response;
+ //http_res->code = http_code;
+ std::string ctype("text/xml");
+ if (charset){
+ ctype += "; charset=";
+ ctype += charset;
+ }
+ z_HTTP_header_add(odr_en,
+ &http_res->headers, "Content-Type", ctype.c_str());
- if (http_method == "GET")
- return SRU_GET;
+ // packaging Z_SOAP into HTML response
+ static Z_SOAP_Handler soap_handlers[4] = {
+ {"http://www.loc.gov/zing/srw/", 0,
+ (Z_SOAP_fun) yaz_srw_codec},
+ {"http://www.loc.gov/zing/srw/v1.0/", 0,
+ (Z_SOAP_fun) yaz_srw_codec},
+ {"http://www.loc.gov/zing/srw/update/", 0,
+ (Z_SOAP_fun) yaz_ucp_codec},
+ {0, 0, 0}
+ };
+ // empty stylesheet means NO stylesheet
+ if (stylesheet && *stylesheet == '\0')
+ stylesheet = 0;
+ // encoding SRU package
+ soap->u.generic->p = (void*) sru_pdu_res;
+ //int ret =
+ z_soap_codec_enc_xsl(odr_en, &soap,
+ &http_res->content_buf, &http_res->content_len,
+ soap_handlers, charset, stylesheet);
+ package.response() = zgdu_res;
+ return true;
+ }
+ package.session().close();
+ return false;
+ Z_SRW_PDU * mp_util::decode_sru_request(mp::Package &package,
+ mp::odr &odr_de,
+ mp::odr &odr_en,
+ Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res,
+ Z_SOAP *&soap,
+ char *charset,
+ char *stylesheet)
+ Z_GDU *zgdu_req = package.request().get();
+ Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_req = 0;
- if (http_method == "POST"
- && http_type == mime_urlencoded)
- return SRU_POST;
+ //assert((zgdu_req->which == Z_GDU_HTTP_Request));
- if ( http_method == "POST"
- && (http_type == mime_text_xml
- || http_type == mime_soap_xml))
- return SRU_SOAP;
+ //ignoring all non HTTP_Request packages
+ if (!zgdu_req || !(zgdu_req->which == Z_GDU_HTTP_Request)){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Z_HTTP_Request* http_req = zgdu_req->u.HTTP_Request;
+ if (! http_req)
+ return 0;
- return SRU_NONE;
+ // checking if we got a SRU GET/POST/SOAP HTTP package
+ // closing connection if we did not ...
+ if (0 == yaz_sru_decode(http_req, &sru_pdu_req, &soap,
+ odr_de, &charset,
+ &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->diagnostics),
+ &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->num_diagnostics)))
+ {
+ if (sru_pdu_res->u.response->num_diagnostics)
+ {
+ //sru_pdu_res = sru_pdu_res_exp;
+ package.session().close();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return sru_pdu_req;
+ }
+ else if (0 == yaz_srw_decode(http_req, &sru_pdu_req, &soap,
+ odr_de, &charset))
+ return sru_pdu_req;
+ else
+ {
+ //sru_pdu_res = sru_pdu_res_exp;
+ package.session().close();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+mp_util::check_sru_query_exists(mp::Package &package,
+ mp::odr &odr_en,
+ Z_SRW_PDU *sru_pdu_res,
+ Z_SRW_searchRetrieveRequest const *sr_req)
+ if( (sr_req->query_type == Z_SRW_query_type_cql && !sr_req->query.cql) )
+ {
+ yaz_add_srw_diagnostic(odr_en,
+ &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->diagnostics),
+ &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->num_diagnostics),
+ 7, "query");
+ yaz_add_srw_diagnostic(odr_en,
+ &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->diagnostics),
+ &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->num_diagnostics),
+ 10, "CQL query is empty");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( (sr_req->query_type == Z_SRW_query_type_xcql && !sr_req->query.xcql) )
+ {
+ yaz_add_srw_diagnostic(odr_en,
+ &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->diagnostics),
+ &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->num_diagnostics),
+ 10, "XCQL query is empty");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( (sr_req->query_type == Z_SRW_query_type_pqf && !sr_req->query.pqf) )
+ {
+ yaz_add_srw_diagnostic(odr_en,
+ &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->diagnostics),
+ &(sru_pdu_res->u.response->num_diagnostics),
+ 10, "PQF query is empty");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+Z_ElementSetNames *
+mp_util::build_esn_from_schema(mp::odr &odr_en,
+ const char *schema)
+ if (!schema)
+ return 0;
+ Z_ElementSetNames *esn
+ = (Z_ElementSetNames *) odr_malloc(odr_en, sizeof(Z_ElementSetNames));
+ esn->which = Z_ElementSetNames_generic;
+ esn->u.generic = odr_strdup(odr_en, schema);
+ return esn;
+// mp_util::SRU::SRU_protocol_type
+// mp_util::SRU::protocol(const Z_HTTP_Request &http_req) const
+// {
+// const std::string mime_urlencoded("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+// const std::string mime_text_xml("text/xml");
+// const std::string mime_soap_xml("application/soap+xml");
+// const std::string http_method(http_req.method);
+// const std::string http_type
+// = mp_util::http_header_value(http_req.headers, "Content-Type");
+// if (http_method == "GET")
+// return SRU_GET;
+// if (http_method == "POST"
+// && http_type == mime_urlencoded)
+// return SRU_POST;
+// if ( http_method == "POST"
+// && (http_type == mime_text_xml
+// || http_type == mime_soap_xml))
+// return SRU_SOAP;
+// return SRU_NONE;
+// }
+// std::string
+// mp_util::sru_protocol(const Z_HTTP_Request &http_req) const
+// {
+// const std::string mime_urlencoded("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+// const std::string mime_text_xml("text/xml");
+// const std::string mime_soap_xml("application/soap+xml");
+// const std::string http_method(http_req.method);
+// const std::string http_type
+// = mp_util::http_header_value(http_req.headers, "Content-Type");
+// if (http_method == "GET")
+// return "SRU GET";
+// if (http_method == "POST"
+// && http_type == mime_urlencoded)
+// return "SRU POST";
+// if ( http_method == "POST"
+// && (http_type == mime_text_xml
+// || http_type == mime_soap_xml))
+// return "SRU SOAP";
+// return "HTTP";
+// }
+// std::string
+// mp_util::debug_http(const Z_HTTP_Request &http_req) const
+// {
+// std::string message("<html>\n<body>\n<h1>"
+// "Metaproxy SRUtoZ3950 filter"
+// "</h1>\n");
+// message += "<h3>HTTP Info</h3><br/>\n";
+// message += "<p>\n";
+// message += "<b>Method: </b> " + std::string(http_req.method) + "<br/>\n";
+// message += "<b>Version:</b> " + std::string(http_req.version) + "<br/>\n";
+// message += "<b>Path: </b> " + std::string(http_req.path) + "<br/>\n";
+// message += "<b>Content-Type:</b>"
+// + mp_util::http_header_value(http_req.headers, "Content-Type")
+// + "<br/>\n";
+// message += "<b>Content-Length:</b>"
+// + mp_util::http_header_value(http_req.headers, "Content-Length")
+// + "<br/>\n";
+// message += "</p>\n";
+// message += "<h3>Headers</h3><br/>\n";
+// message += "<p>\n";
+// Z_HTTP_Header* header = http_req.headers;
+// while (header){
+// message += "<b>Header: </b> <i>"
+// + std::string(header->name) + ":</i> "
+// + std::string(header->value) + "<br/>\n";
+// header = header->next;
+// }
+// message += "</p>\n";
+// message += "</body>\n</html>\n";
+// return message;
+// }
+// void mp_util::http_response(metaproxy_1::Package &package,
+// const std::string &content,
+// int http_code) const
+// {
+// Z_GDU *zgdu_req = package.request().get();
+// Z_GDU *zgdu_res = 0;
+// mp::odr odr;
+// zgdu_res
+// = odr.create_HTTP_Response(package.session(),
+// zgdu_req->u.HTTP_Request,
+// http_code);
+// zgdu_res->u.HTTP_Response->content_len = content.size();
+// zgdu_res->u.HTTP_Response->content_buf
+// = (char*) odr_malloc(odr, zgdu_res->u.HTTP_Response->content_len);
+// strncpy(zgdu_res->u.HTTP_Response->content_buf,
+// content.c_str(), zgdu_res->u.HTTP_Response->content_len);
+// //z_HTTP_header_add(odr, &hres->headers,
+// // "Content-Type", content_type.c_str());
+// package.response() = zgdu_res;
+// }
* Local variables:
* c-basic-offset: 4