// ### transitional placeholder function until we have promoted all invocations
that.log = function (x) { _log(mkws.log, x) };
- mkws.trace = function(x) { _log(mkws.trace, x) };
- mkws.debug = function(x) { _log(mkws.debug, x) };
- mkws.info = function(x) { _log(mkws.info, x) };
- mkws.warn = function(x) { _log(mkws.warn, x) };
- mkws.error = function(x) { _log(mkws.error, x) };
- mkws.fatal = function(x) { _log(mkws.fatal, x) };
+ that.trace = function(x) { _log(mkws.trace, x) };
+ that.debug = function(x) { _log(mkws.debug, x) };
+ that.info = function(x) { _log(mkws.info, x) };
+ that.warn = function(x) { _log(mkws.warn, x) };
+ that.error = function(x) { _log(mkws.error, x) };
+ that.fatal = function(x) { _log(mkws.fatal, x) };
- that.log("making new widget team");
+ that.info("making new widget team");
m_sortOrder = config.sort_default;
m_perpage = config.perpage_default;
// pz2.js event handlers:
function onInit() {
- that.log("init");
+ that.info("init");
function onBytarget(data) {
- that.log("bytarget");
+ that.info("bytarget");
if (parseInt(data.activeclients[0], 10) === 0) {
- that.log("complete");
+ that.info("complete");
function onTerm(data) {
- that.log("term");
+ that.info("term");
function onShow(data, teamName) {
- that.log("show");
+ that.info("show");
m_totalRecordCount = data.merged;
- that.log("found " + m_totalRecordCount + " records");
+ that.info("found " + m_totalRecordCount + " records");
function onRecord(data, args, teamName) {
- that.log("record");
+ that.info("record");
// FIXME: record is async!!
// then register the form submit event with the pz2.search function
// autoInit is set to true on default
that.makePz2 = function() {
- that.log("m_queues=" + $.toJSON(m_queues));
+ that.debug("m_queues=" + $.toJSON(m_queues));
var params = {
"windowid": teamName,
"pazpar2path": mkws.pazpar2_url(),
params.oninit = onInit;
if (m_queues.targets) {
params.onbytarget = onBytarget;
- that.log("setting bytarget callback");
+ that.info("setting bytarget callback");
if (m_queues.stat) {
params.onstat = onStat;
- that.log("setting stat callback");
+ that.info("setting stat callback");
if (m_queues.facets && config.facets.length) {
params.onterm = onTerm;
- that.log("setting term callback");
+ that.info("setting term callback");
if (m_queues.records) {
- that.log("setting show callback");
+ that.info("setting show callback");
params.onshow = onShow;
// Record callback is subscribed from records callback
- that.log("setting record callback");
+ that.info("setting record callback");
params.onrecord = onRecord;
m_paz = new pz2(params);
- that.log("created main pz2 object");
+ that.info("created main pz2 object");
that.limitTarget = function(id, name) {
- that.log("limitTarget(id=" + id + ", name=" + name + ")");
+ that.info("limitTarget(id=" + id + ", name=" + name + ")");
m_filterSet.add(targetFilter(id, name));
if (m_query) triggerSearch();
return false;
that.limitQuery = function(field, value) {
- that.log("limitQuery(field=" + field + ", value=" + value + ")");
+ that.info("limitQuery(field=" + field + ", value=" + value + ")");
m_filterSet.add(fieldFilter(field, value));
if (m_query) triggerSearch();
return false;
that.limitCategory = function(id) {
- that.log("limitCategory(id=" + id + ")");
+ that.info("limitCategory(id=" + id + ")");
// Only one category filter at a time
m_filterSet.removeMatching(function(f) { return f.type === 'category' });
if (id !== '') m_filterSet.add(categoryFilter(id));
that.delimitTarget = function(id) {
- that.log("delimitTarget(id=" + id + ")");
+ that.info("delimitTarget(id=" + id + ")");
m_filterSet.removeMatching(function(f) { return f.type === 'target' });
if (m_query) triggerSearch();
return false;
that.delimitQuery = function(field, value) {
- that.log("delimitQuery(field=" + field + ", value=" + value + ")");
+ that.info("delimitQuery(field=" + field + ", value=" + value + ")");
m_filterSet.removeMatching(function(f) { return f.type == 'field' &&
field == f.field && value == f.value });
if (m_query) triggerSearch();
function newSearch(query, sortOrder, maxrecs, perpage, limit, targets, torusquery) {
- that.log("newSearch: " + query);
+ that.info("newSearch: " + query);
if (config.use_service_proxy && !mkws.authenticated) {
alert("searching before authentication");
params.torusquery = torusquery;
- that.log("triggerSearch(" + m_query + "): filters = " + m_filterSet.toJSON() + ", " +
+ that.info("triggerSearch(" + m_query + "): filters = " + m_filterSet.toJSON() + ", " +
"pp2filter = " + pp2filter + ", params = " + $.toJSON(params));
m_paz.search(m_query, m_perpage, m_sortOrder, pp2filter, undefined, params);
// fetch record details to be retrieved from the record queue
that.fetchDetails = function(recId) {
- that.log("fetchDetails() requesting record '" + recId + "'");
+ that.info("fetchDetails() requesting record '" + recId + "'");
// request the record
- that.log("showDetails() requesting record '" + recId + "'");
+ that.info("showDetails() requesting record '" + recId + "'");
var node = $(selector);
- //that.log('findnode(' + selector + ') found ' + node.length + ' nodes');
+ //that.debug('findnode(' + selector + ') found ' + node.length + ' nodes');
return node;
that.registerTemplate = function(name, text) {
if(mkws._old2new.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- that.log("Warning: registerTemplate old widget name: " + name + " => " + mkws._old2new[name]);
+ that.warn("Warning: registerTemplate old widget name: " + name + " => " + mkws._old2new[name]);
name = mkws._old2new[name];
m_templateText[name] = text;
function loadTemplate(name, fallbackString) {
if(mkws._old2new.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- that.log("Warning loadTemplate: old widget name: " + name + " => " + mkws._old2new[name]);
+ that.warn("Warning loadTemplate: old widget name: " + name + " => " + mkws._old2new[name]);
name = mkws._old2new[name];
if (!source) source = m_templateText[name];
if (source) {
template = Handlebars.compile(source);
- that.log("compiled template '" + name + "'");
+ that.info("compiled template '" + name + "'");
//if (template === undefined) template = mkws_templatesbyteam[m_teamName][name];
return template;
else {
- that.log("No MKWS template for " + name);
+ that.info("No MKWS template for " + name);
return null;