<?xml version="1.0"?>
- $Id: irspy2zeerex.xsl,v 1.17 2006-12-19 12:54:38 sondberg Exp $
+ $Id: irspy2zeerex.xsl,v 1.18 2007-03-30 12:48:36 sondberg Exp $
This stylesheet is used by IRSpy to map the internal mixed Zeerex/IRSpy
record format into the Zeerex record which we store.
<!-- Did we actually probe record syntaxes? -->
- <xsl:when test="/*/irspy:status/irspy:record">
+ <xsl:when test="/*/irspy:status/irspy:record_fetch">
<xsl:for-each select="/*/irspy:status/irspy:record_fetch[@ok = 1]">
<recordSyntax name="{@syntax}">
<elementSet name="F"/> <!-- FIXME: This should be probed too -->