-# $Id: IRSpy.pm,v 1.73 2007-03-01 14:00:50 mike Exp $
+# $Id: IRSpy.pm,v 1.74 2007-03-05 19:45:54 mike Exp $
package ZOOM::IRSpy;
use Net::Z3950::ZOOM 1.13; # For the ZOOM version-check only
use ZOOM::IRSpy::Node;
use ZOOM::IRSpy::Connection;
-use ZOOM::IRSpy::Record;
use ZOOM::IRSpy::Stats;
-use ZOOM::IRSpy::Utils qw(cql_target);
+use ZOOM::IRSpy::Utils qw(cql_target render_record);
our @ISA = qw();
our $VERSION = '0.02';
sub new {
my $class = shift();
- my($dbname, $user, $password) = @_;
+ my($dbname, $user, $password, $activeSetSize) = @_;
my @options;
push @options, (user => $user, password => $password)
my $this = bless {
conn => $conn,
query => "cql.allRecords=1", # unless overridden
- targets => undef, # filled in later
- connections => undef, # filled in later
+ targets => undef, # Filled in later if targets() is
+ # called; used only to keep state from
+ # targets() until initialise() is
+ # called.
+ connections => undef, # Filled in by initialise()
+ queue => undef, # Filled in by initialise()
libxml => $libxml,
irspy_to_zeerex_style => $irspy_to_zeerex_style,
- tests => [], # stack of tests currently being executed
+ tests => undef, # Tree of tests to be executed
+ activeSetSize => defined $activeSetSize ? $activeSetSize : 10,
}, $class;
$this->log("irspy", "starting up with database '$dbname'");
# Records must be fetched for all records satisfying $this->{query} If
# $this->{targets} is already set (i.e. a specific list of targets to
# check was specified by a call to targets()), then new, empty records
-# must be made for any targets that are not already in the database.
+# will be made for any targets that are not already in the database.
sub initialise {
my $this = shift();
- my %target2record;
- if ($this->{targets}) {
- # Prepopulate the target map with nulls so that after we fill
- # in what we can from the database query, we know which target
- # IDs we need new records for.
- foreach my $target (@{ $this->{targets} }) {
- $target2record{lc($target)} = undef;
+ my @targets;
+ my $targets = $this->{targets};
+ if (defined $targets) {
+ @targets = @$targets;
+ delete $this->{targets};
+ } else {
+ my $rs = $this->{conn}->search(new ZOOM::Query::CQL($this->{query}));
+ $this->log("irspy", "'", $this->{query}, "' found ",
+ $rs->size(), " target records");
+ delete $this->{query};
+ foreach my $i (1 .. $rs->size()) {
+ push @targets, render_record($rs, $i-1, "id");
- delete $this->{targets}; # Information now in keys of %target2record
- my $rs = $this->{conn}->search(new ZOOM::Query::CQL($this->{query}));
- $this->log("irspy", "'", $this->{query}, "' found ",
- $rs->size(), " target records");
- delete $this->{query}; # Information now in $rs
- foreach my $i (1 .. $rs->size()) {
- my $target = _render_record($rs, $i-1, "id");
- my $zeerex = _render_record($rs, $i-1, "zeerex");
- $target2record{lc($target)} =
- new ZOOM::IRSpy::Record($this, $target, $zeerex);
- }
- # Make records for targets not previously in the database
- foreach my $target (keys %target2record) {
- if (!defined $target2record{$target}) {
- $target2record{$target} = new ZOOM::IRSpy::Record($this, $target);
- $this->log("irspy_debug", "made new record for '$target'");
- } else {
- $this->log("irspy_debug", "using existing record for '$target'");
- }
- }
+ my $n = $this->{activeSetSize};
+ $n = @targets if $n == 0 || $n > @targets;
my @connections;
- my @targets = sort keys %target2record;
- foreach my $target (@targets) {
- my $conn = create ZOOM::IRSpy::Connection($this, async => 1);
- $conn->option(host => $target);
- my $record = delete $target2record{lc($target)};
- die "record undefined for '$target'" if !defined $record;
- $conn->record($record);
- push @connections, $conn;
+ foreach my $i (1..$n) {
+ push @connections, create ZOOM::IRSpy::Connection($this,
+ shift @targets,
+ async => 1);
- die("remaining target2record = { " .
- join(", ", map { "$_ ->'" . $target2record{$_}. "'" }
- sort keys %target2record) . " }")
- if %target2record;
$this->{connections} = \@connections;
-sub _render_record {
- my($rs, $which, $elementSetName) = @_;
- # There is a slight race condition here on the element-set name,
- # but it shouldn't be a problem as this is (currently) only called
- # from parts of the program that run single-threaded.
- my $old = $rs->option(elementSetName => $elementSetName);
- my $rec = $rs->record($which);
- $rs->option(elementSetName => $old);
- return $rec->render();
+ $this->{queue} = \@targets;
$conn->log("irspy", "rewriting XML record");
my $rec = $this->_irspy_to_zeerex($conn, $ENV{IRSPY_SAVE_XML});
+ # Since IRSpy can run for a long time between writes back to the
+ # database, it's quite possible for the server to have closed the
+ # connection as idle. So re-establish it if necessary.
+ $conn->connect($conn->option("host"));
_really_rewrite_record($this->{conn}, $rec);
+ $conn->log("irspy", "rewrote XML record");
foreach my $i0 (0 .. $#copy_conn) {
my $conn = $copy_conn[$i0];
#print "connection $i0 of $nconn/", scalar(@conn), " is $conn\n";
+ next if !defined $conn;
if (!$conn->current_task()) {
if (!$conn->next_task()) {
# Out of tasks: we need a new test
if (!defined $address) {
$nextaddr = "";
} else {
- $this->log("irspy_test",
+ $conn->log("irspy_test",
"checking for next test after '$address'");
$nextaddr = $this->_next_test($address);
if (!defined $nextaddr) {
$conn->log("irspy", "has no more tests: removing");
- ### Does this go wrong if two connections are exhausted?
- splice @conn, $i0, 1;
$conn->option(rewrote_record => 1);
+ if (@{ $this->{queue} } == 0) {
+ splice @conn, $i0, 1;
+ } else {
+ $conn[$i0] = create
+ ZOOM::IRSpy::Connection($this,
+ shift @{ $this->{queue} }, async => 1);
+ $conn[$i0]->option(current_test_address => "");
+ $conn[$i0]->log("irspy", "entering active pool - ",
+ scalar(@{ $this->{queue} }),
+ " targets remain in queue");
+ }
+# Exactly equivalent to ZOOM::event() except that it is tolerant to
+# undefined values in the array being passed in.
+sub __UNUSED_tolerant_ZOOM_event {
+ my($connref) = @_;
+ my(@conn, @map);
+ foreach my $i (0 .. @$connref-1) {
+ my $conn = $connref->[$i];
+ if (defined $conn) {
+ push @conn, $conn;
+ push @map, $i;
+ }
+ }
+ my $res = ZOOM::event(\@conn);
+ return $res if $res <= 0;
+ my $res2 = $map[$res-1] + 1;
+ print STDERR "*** tolerant_ZOOM_event() returns $res->$res2\n";
+ return $res2;
sub _gather_tests {
my $this = shift();
my($tname, @ancestors) = @_;