<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <classpathentry kind="src" path="src">
- <attributes>
- <attribute name="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH_ATTR_LIBRARY_PATH_ENTRY" value="yaz4j/lib"/>
- </attributes>
- </classpathentry>
+ <classpathentry including="**/*.java" kind="src" output="target/test-classes" path="src/test/java"/>
+ <classpathentry including="**/*.java" kind="src" path="src/main/java"/>
+ <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.iam.jdt.core.mavenClasspathContainer"/>
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>
- <classpathentry kind="lib" path="dependencies/JUnit-4.3.1/junit-4.3.1.jar"/>
- <classpathentry kind="output" path="bin"/>
+ <classpathentry kind="output" path="target/classes"/>
- <buildSpec>
- <buildCommand>
- <name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>
- <arguments>
- </arguments>
- </buildCommand>
- </buildSpec>
- <natures>
- <nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>
- </natures>
+ <buildSpec>
+ <buildCommand>
+ <name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>
+ <arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </buildCommand>
+ <buildCommand>
+ <name>org.eclipse.iam.jdt.core.mavenIncrementalBuilder</name>
+ <arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </buildCommand>
+ </buildSpec>
+ <natures>
+ <nature>org.eclipse.iam.jdt.core.mavenNature</nature>
+ <nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>
+ </natures>
-Most of the work on yaz4j was done by:
Rob Styles <Rob.Styles@talis.com>
+Adam Dickmeiss <adam@indexdata.dk>
+J. Cayetano <juancayetano.delgado@gmail.com>
-Current version is maintained by:
-Adam Dickmeiss <adam@indexdata.dk>
Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Index Data.
See LICENSE for details.
-In order to built yaz4j the Java JDK, ant, YAZ and Swig must be installed.
+In order to built yaz4j the Java JDK, Maven, YAZ and Swig must be installed.
The exact process varies from platform to platform.
For example, on Ubuntu/Debian the following installs the components:
- apt-get install sun-java6-jdk ant libyaz3-dev swig
+ apt-get install sun-java6-jdk maven2 libyaz3-dev swig
The compilation is a two-step process. The environment variable JAVA_HOME
should point to the Java JDK of your preference. For example,
cd libyaz4j
-Rest is built by ant which reads build.xml:
+Rest is built by maven which reads pom.xml:
cd ..
- ant
+ mvn compile
If you network-connected you should be able to run tests with:
- ant unit-test
+ mvn test
+++ /dev/null
-<!-- To build distribution: ant -f build-windows.xml -->\r
-<!-- To compile only: ant compile -f build-windows.xml -->\r
-<!-- To clean dir structure: ant clean -f build-windows.xml -->\r
-<project name="yaz4j" default="build-dist" basedir=".">\r
- <description>Build the java side of Yaz4J</description>\r
- <property name="version" value="0.9.3-windows-x86-32"/> \r
- <property name="src" location="src"/>\r
- <property name="bin" location="bin"/>\r
- <property name="distributions" location="distributions"/>\r
- \r
- <path id="project.classpath">\r
- <pathelement location="${bin}"/>\r
- </path>\r
- <target name="init">\r
- <mkdir dir="${bin}"/>\r
- </target>\r
- <target name="compile" depends="init" description="compile the source">\r
- <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${bin}">\r
- <classpath refid="project.classpath"/>\r
- </javac>\r
- </target>\r
- <target name="build-dist" depends="compile" description="generate the distribution">\r
- <mkdir dir="${distributions}/${version}"/>\r
- <copy file="libyaz4j/lib/yaz4j.dll" tofile="${distributions}/${version}/yaz4j.dll"/>\r
- <!-- copy file="dependencies/yaz_3.0.14/bin/yaz3.dll" tofile="${distributions}/${version}/yaz3.dll"/ -->\r
- <jar jarfile="${distributions}/${version}/yaz4j.jar" basedir="${bin}">\r
- <manifest>\r
- <attribute name="Version" value="${version}"/>\r
- <attribute name="Author" value="Talis Information Ltd"/>\r
- <attribute name="About" value="Java wrapper for the ZOOM API of YAZ"/>\r
- <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.yaz4j.Yaz4jMain"/>\r
- </manifest>\r
- </jar>\r
- </target>\r
- <target name="clean" description="clean up" >\r
- <!-- Delete various paths as part of the clean trees -->\r
- <delete dir="${bin}"/>\r
- <!-- delete dir="${distributions}/${version}"/ --> \r
- </target>\r
+++ /dev/null
-<project name="yaz4j" default="compile" basedir=".">
- <description>Build the java side of Yaz4J</description>
- <property name="version" value="0.9.3"/>
- <property name="src" location="src"/>
- <property name="test" location="test"/>
- <property name="bin" location="bin"/>
- <property name="distributions" location="distributions"/>
- <path id="project.classpath">
- <pathelement location="${bin}"/>
- <pathelement location="dependencies/JUnit-4.3.1/junit-4.3.1.jar"/>
- </path>
- <target name="init">
- <mkdir dir="${bin}"/>
- </target>
- <target name="compile" depends="init" description="compile the source">
- <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${bin}">
- <classpath refid="project.classpath"/>
- </javac>
- </target>
- <target name="compile-test" depends="compile" description="compile test the code">
- <javac srcdir="${test}" destdir="${bin}">
- <classpath refid="project.classpath"/>
- </javac>
- </target>
- <!-- LD_LIBRARY_PATH=libyaz4j/lib java -cp bin:dependencies/JUnit-4.3.1/junit-4.3.1.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore yaz4jtest.ConnectionTest -->
- <target name="unit-test" depends="compile-test" description="test the code">
- <junit fork="on">
- <env key="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="libyaz4j/lib"/>
- <classpath refid="project.classpath"/>
- <test name="yaz4jtest.ConnectionTest"/>
- </junit>
- </target>
- <target name="build-dist" depends="compile" description="generate the distribution">
- <mkdir dir="${distributions}/${version}"/>
- <jar jarfile="${distributions}/${version}/yaz4j.jar" basedir="${bin}">
- <manifest>
- <attribute name="Version" value="${version}"/>
- <attribute name="Author" value="Talis Information Ltd"/>
- <attribute name="About" value="Java wrapper for the ZOOM API of YAZ"/>
- <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.yaz4j.Yaz4jMain"/>
- </manifest>
- </jar>
- <copy file="libyaz4j/lib/libyaz4j.so" tofile="${distributions}/${version}/libyaz4j.so"/>
- </target>
- <target name="clean" description="clean up" >
- <!-- Delete various paths as part of the clean trees -->
- <delete dir="${bin}"/>
- <!-- delete dir="${distributions}/${version}"/ -->
- </target>
-swig -I"include" -I"${YAZ_PREFIX}/include" -outdir ../src/org/yaz4j/jni -package org.yaz4j.jni -o src/libyaz4j.cpp -c++ -java libyaz4j.i
+swig -I"include" -I"${YAZ_PREFIX}/include" -outdir ../src/main/java/org/yaz4j/jni -package org.yaz4j.jni -o src/libyaz4j.cpp -c++ -java libyaz4j.i
g++ -fPIC -I"include" -I"$JNI_DIR" -I"$JNI_DIR/linux" ${YAZ_CFLAGS} -c -Wall -o obj/libyaz4j.o src/libyaz4j.cpp
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
+ <!-- POM Relationships -->
+ <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+ <groupId>org.yaz4j</groupId>
+ <artifactId>yaz4j</artifactId>
+ <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <packaging>jar</packaging>
+ <!-- Project Information -->
+ <name>yaz4j</name>
+ <url>http://indexdata.com/yaz4j</url>
+ <inceptionYear>2008</inceptionYear>
+ <licenses>
+ <license>
+ <name>BSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php</url>
+ </license>
+ </licenses>
+ <description>Java wrapper for the ZOOM API of YAZ</description>
+ <developers>
+ <developer>
+ <name>Rob Styles</name>
+ <id />
+ <email>Rob.Styles@talis.com</email>
+ <organization />
+ <organizationUrl />
+ <roles />
+ <timezone />
+ </developer>
+ <developer>
+ <name>Adam Dickmeiss</name>
+ <id />
+ <email>adam@indexdata.dk</email>
+ <organization />
+ <organizationUrl />
+ <roles />
+ <timezone />
+ </developer>
+ </developers>
+ <!-- ///////////////// -->
+ <!-- Project Dependencies -->
+ <dependencies>
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>junit</groupId>
+ <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
+ <version>4.3.1</version>
+ <scope>test</scope>
+ </dependency>
+ </dependencies>
+ <!-- ///////////////// -->
+ <!-- Build Settings -->
+ <build>
+ <plugins>
+ <plugin>
+ <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+ <artifactId>maven-resources-plugin</artifactId>
+ <configuration>
+ <encoding>UTF-8</encoding>
+ </configuration>
+ </plugin>
+ <plugin>
+ <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+ <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
+ <configuration>
+ <encoding>UTF-8</encoding>
+ <source>1.5</source>
+ <target>1.5</target>
+ <showDeprecation>true</showDeprecation>
+ <showWarnings>true</showWarnings>
+ </configuration>
+ </plugin>
+ <plugin>
+ <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+ <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
+ <configuration>
+ <forkMode>once</forkMode>
+ <workingDirectory>target</workingDirectory>
+ <argLine>-Djava.library.path=${basedir}/libyaz4j/lib</argLine>
+ </configuration>
+ </plugin>
+ </plugins>
+ </build>
+ <!-- Reporting -->
+ <reporting>
+ <plugins>
+ <plugin>
+ <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+ <artifactId>maven-checkstyle-plugin</artifactId>
+ <configuration>
+ <enableRSS>false</enableRSS>
+ <include>**/*.java</include>
+ <sourceDirectory>src/main/java</sourceDirectory>
+ </configuration>
+ </plugin>
+ <plugin>
+ <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+ <artifactId>
+ maven-project-info-reports-plugin
+ </artifactId>
+ <reportSets>
+ <reportSet>
+ <reports>
+ <report>dependencies</report>
+ <report>project-team</report>
+ <report>mailing-list</report>
+ <report>issue-tracking</report>
+ <report>summary</report>
+ <report>scm</report>
+ <report>index</report>
+ </reports>
+ </reportSet>
+ </reportSets>
+ </plugin>
+ <plugin>
+ <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+ <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
+ <configuration>
+ <chartset>UTF-8</chartset>
+ </configuration>
+ </plugin>
+ </plugins>
+ </reporting>
+ <!-- ////////////// -->
+ <!-- Build Environment -->
+ <!-- Environment Information -->
+ <mailingLists>
+ <mailingList>
+ <name />
+ <subscribe />
+ <unsubscribe />
+ <post />
+ <archive />
+ </mailingList>
+ </mailingLists>
+ <scm>
+ <connection />
+ <url />
+ </scm>
+ <issueManagement>
+ <system />
+ <url />
+ </issueManagement>
+ <ciManagement>
+ <system />
+ <url />
+ </ciManagement>
+ <!-- /////////////////////// -->
+ <!-- Maven Environment -->
+ <repositories />
+ <pluginRepositories />
+ <!-- ///////////////// -->
+ <!-- Maven Common Properties -->
+ <properties />
+ <!-- /////////////////// -->
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+class Bib1Diagnostic
+ private static Hashtable<Integer, String> errorCodes = new Hashtable<Integer, String>();
+ static
+ {
+ errorCodes.put( 1, "PermanentSystemError" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 2, "TemporarySystemError" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 3, "UnsupportedSearch" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 4, "TermsOnlyIncludesExclusionOrStopWords" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 5, "TooManyArgumentWords" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 6, "TooManyBooleanOperators" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 7, "TooManyTruncatedWords" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 8, "TooManyIncompleteSubfields" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 9, "TruncatedWordsTooShort" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 10, "InvalidFormatForRecordNumberInSearchTerm" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 11, "TooManyCharactersInSearchStatement" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 12, "TooManyRecordsRetrieved" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 13, "PresentRequestOutOfRange" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 14, "SystemErrorInPresentingRecords" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 15, "RecordNotAuthorizedToBeSentIntersystem" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 16, "RecordExceedsPreferredMessageSize" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 17, "RecordExceedsExceptionalRecordSize" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 18, "ResultSetNotSupportedAsASearchTerm" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 19, "OnlySingleResultSetAsSearchTermSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 20, "OnlyAndingOfASingleResultSetAsSearchTerm" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 21, "ResultSetExistsAndReplaceIndicatorOff" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 22, "ResultSetNamingNotSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 23, "SpecifiedCombinationOfDatabasesNotSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 24, "ElementSetNamesNotSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 25, "SpecifiedElementSetNameNotValidForSpecifiedDatabase" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 26, "OnlyGenericFormOfElementSetNameSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 27, "ResultSetNoLongerExistsUnilaterallyDeletedByTarget" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 28, "ResultSetIsInUse" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 29, "OneOfTheSpecifiedDatabasesIsLocked" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 30, "SpecifiedResultSetDoesNotExist" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 31, "ResourcesExhaustedNoResultsAvailable" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 32, "ResourcesExhaustedUnpredictablePartialResultsAvailable" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 33, "ResourcesExhaustedValidSubsetOfResultsAvailable" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 100, "UnspecifiedError" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 101, "AccessControlFailure" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 102, "ChallengeRequiredCouldNotBeIssuedOperationTerminated" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 103, "ChallengeRequiredCouldNotBeIssuedRecordNotIncluded" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 104, "ChallengeFailedRecordNotIncluded" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 105, "TerminatedAtOriginRequest" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 106, "NoAbstractSyntaxesAgreedToForThisRecord" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 107, "QueryTypeNotSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 108, "MalformedQuery" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 109, "DatabaseUnavailable" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 110, "OperatorUnsupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 111, "TooManyDatabasesSpecified" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 112, "TooManyResultSetsCreated" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 113, "UnsupportedAttributeType" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 114, "UnsupportedUseAttribute" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 115, "UnsupportedTermValueForUseAttribute" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 116, "UseAttributeRequiredButNotSupplied" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 117, "UnsupportedRelationAttribute" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 118, "UnsupportedStructureAttribute" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 119, "UnsupportedPositionAttribute" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 120, "UnsupportedTruncationAttribute" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 121, "UnsupportedAttributeSet" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 122, "UnsupportedCompletenessAttribute" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 123, "UnsupportedAttributeCombination" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 124, "UnsupportedCodedValueForTerm" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 125, "MalformedSearchTerm" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 126, "IllegalTermValueForAttribute" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 127, "UnparsableFormatForUnNormalizedValue" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 128, "IllegalResultSetName" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 129, "ProximitySearchOfSetsNotSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 130, "IllegalResultSetInProximitySearch" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 131, "UnsupportedProximityRelation" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 132, "UnsupportedProximityUnitCode" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 201, "ProximityNotSupportedWithThisAttributeCombinationAttribute" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 202, "UnsupportedDistanceForProximity" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 203, "OrderedFlagNotSupportedForProximity" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 205, "OnlyZeroStepSizeSupportedForScan" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 206, "SpecifiedStepSizeNotSupportedForScanStep" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 207, "CannotSortAccordingToSequence" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 208, "NoResultSetNameSuppliedOnSort" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 209, "GenericSortNotSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 210, "DatabaseSpecificSortNotSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 211, "TooManySortKeys" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 212, "DuplicateSortKeys" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 213, "UnsupportedMissingDataAction" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 214, "IllegalSortRelation" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 215, "IllegalCaseValue" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 216, "IllegalMissingDataAction" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 217, "SegmentationCannotGuaranteeRecordsWillFitInSpecifiedSegments" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 218, "EsPackageNameAlreadyInUse" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 219, "EsNoSuchPackageOnModifyDelete" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 220, "EsQuotaExceeded" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 221, "EsExtendedServiceTypeNotSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 222, "EsPermissionDeniedOnEsIdNotAuthorized" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 223, "EsPermissionDeniedOnEsCannotModifyOrDelete" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 224, "EsImmediateExecutionFailed" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 225, "EsImmediateExecutionNotSupportedForThisService" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 226, "EsImmediateExecutionNotSupportedForTheseParameters" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 227, "NoDataAvailableInRequestedRecordSyntax" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 228, "ScanMalformedScan" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 229, "TermTypeNotSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 230, "SortTooManyInputResults" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 231, "SortIncompatibleRecordFormats" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 232, "ScanTermListNotSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 233, "ScanUnsupportedValueOfPositionInResponse" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 234, "TooManyIndexTermsProcessed" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 235, "DatabaseDoesNotExist" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 236, "AccessToSpecifiedDatabaseDenied" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 237, "SortIllegalSort" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 238, "RecordNotAvailableInRequestedSyntax" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 239, "RecordSyntaxNotSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 240, "ScanResourcesExhaustedLookingForSatisfyingTerms" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 241, "ScanBeginningOrEndOfTermList" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 242, "SegmentationMaxSegmentSizeTooSmallToSegmentRecord" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 243, "PresentAdditionalRangesParameterNotSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 244, "PresentCompSpecParameterNotSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 245, "Type1QueryRestrictionOperandNotSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 246, "Type1QueryComplexAttributevalueNotSupported" ) ;
+ errorCodes.put( 247, "Type1QueryAttributesetAsPartOfAttributeelementNotSupported" ) ;
+ }
+ public static String GetError( int errorCode )
+ {
+ String errorText = "Unknown Error" ;
+ if( errorCodes.containsKey(errorCode) )
+ errorText = errorCodes.get( errorCode );
+ return errorText;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+public class Bib1Exception extends RuntimeException
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ public Bib1Exception()
+ {
+ super();
+ }
+ public Bib1Exception(String message )
+ {
+ super( message );
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+public class CQLQuery
+ private String query = null;
+ public CQLQuery(String query)
+ {
+ this.query = query;
+ }
+ public String getQueryString()
+ {
+ return query ;
+ }
+ public void setQueryString( String query)
+ {
+ this.query = query ;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_connection_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_query_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_scanset_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_p_char;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlibConstants;
+import sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.NotImplementedException;
+public class Connection
+ private String host ;
+ private int port ;
+ private ConnectionOptionsCollection options = null ;
+ protected SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_connection_p zoomConnection = null ;
+ private boolean connected = false;
+ private boolean disposed = false;
+ static
+ {
+ // on Linux 'yaz4j' maps to 'libyaz4j.so' (i.e. 'lib' prefix & '.so' extension)
+ // on Windows 'yaz4j' maps to 'yaz4j.dll' (i.e. '.dll' extension)
+ String libName = "yaz4j" ;
+ try
+ {
+ // System.err.println( "Loading library '"+ System.mapLibraryName( libName ) + "'" );
+ System.loadLibrary( libName );
+ }
+ catch( Throwable e )
+ {
+ System.err.println( "Fatal Error: Failed to load library '" + System.mapLibraryName( libName ) + "'");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ public Connection(String host, int port)
+ {
+ this.host = host ;
+ this.port = port ;
+ options = new ConnectionOptionsCollection();
+ zoomConnection = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_create(options.zoomOptions);
+ SWIGTYPE_p_p_char cp = null;
+ SWIGTYPE_p_p_char addinfo = null ;
+ int errorCode = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_error(zoomConnection, cp, addinfo);
+ CheckErrorCodeAndThrow(errorCode);
+ }
+ public void finalize()
+ {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ private void CheckErrorCodeAndThrow(int errorCode)
+ {
+ String message;
+ if( errorCode == yaz4jlibConstants.ZOOM_ERROR_NONE )
+ {
+ return ;
+ }
+ else if( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_CONNECT )
+ {
+ message = String.format("Connection could not be made to %s:%d", host, port);
+ throw new ConnectionUnavailableException(message);
+ }
+ else if( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_INVALID_QUERY )
+ {
+ message = String.format("The query requested is not valid or not supported");
+ throw new InvalidQueryException(message);
+ }
+ else if( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_INIT )
+ {
+ message = String.format("Server %s:%d rejected our init request", host, port);
+ throw new InitRejectedException(message);
+ }
+ else if( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_TIMEOUT )
+ {
+ message = String.format("Server %s:%d timed out handling our request", host, port);
+ throw new ConnectionTimeoutException(message);
+ }
+ else if( ( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_MEMORY )
+ || ( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_ENCODE )
+ || ( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_DECODE )
+ || ( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_CONNECTION_LOST )
+ || ( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_INTERNAL )
+ || ( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL )
+ || ( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_QUERY ) )
+ {
+ message = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_errmsg(zoomConnection);
+ throw new ZoomImplementationException("A fatal error occurred in Yaz: " + errorCode + " - " + message);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ String errMsgBib1 = "Bib1Exception: Error Code = " + errorCode + " (" + Bib1Diagnostic.GetError(errorCode) + ")" ;
+ throw new Bib1Exception( errMsgBib1 );
+ }
+ }
+ private enum QueryType { CQLQuery, PrefixQuery };
+ public ResultSet Search(PrefixQuery query)
+ {
+ return Search( query.getQueryString(), QueryType.PrefixQuery);
+ }
+ public ResultSet Search(CQLQuery query)
+ {
+ return Search( query.getQueryString(), QueryType.CQLQuery);
+ }
+ private ResultSet Search(String query, QueryType queryType)
+ {
+ EnsureConnected();
+ SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_query_p yazQuery = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_query_create();
+ ResultSet resultSet = null;
+ try
+ {
+ if( queryType == QueryType.CQLQuery )
+ yaz4jlib.ZOOM_query_cql(yazQuery, query);
+ else if( queryType == QueryType.PrefixQuery )
+ yaz4jlib.ZOOM_query_prefix(yazQuery, query);
+ else
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p yazResultSet = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_search(zoomConnection, yazQuery);
+ int errorCode = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_errcode( zoomConnection );
+ if (errorCode != yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_NONE)
+ {
+ yaz4jlib.ZOOM_resultset_destroy(yazResultSet);
+ }
+ CheckErrorCodeAndThrow(errorCode);
+ resultSet = new ResultSet(yazResultSet, zoomConnection);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ yaz4jlib.ZOOM_query_destroy(yazQuery); // deallocate yazQuery also when exceptions
+ yazQuery = null;
+ }
+ return resultSet;
+ }
+ public ScanSet Scan(String query)
+ {
+ EnsureConnected();
+ SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_scanset_p yazScanSet = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_scan(zoomConnection, query);
+ int errorCode = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_errcode(zoomConnection);
+ if( errorCode != yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_NONE )
+ {
+ yaz4jlib.ZOOM_scanset_destroy(yazScanSet);
+ }
+ CheckErrorCodeAndThrow(errorCode);
+ ScanSet scanSet = new ScanSet(yazScanSet, this);
+ return scanSet;
+ }
+ public ConnectionOptionsCollection getOptions()
+ {
+ return options;
+ }
+ protected void EnsureConnected()
+ {
+ if (! connected )
+ Connect();
+ }
+ public void Connect()
+ {
+ yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_connect( zoomConnection, host, port);
+ int errorCode = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_errcode(zoomConnection);
+ CheckErrorCodeAndThrow(errorCode);
+ connected = true;
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ if (! disposed )
+ {
+ yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_destroy(zoomConnection);
+ zoomConnection = null;
+ disposed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ public String getSyntax()
+ {
+ return options.get("preferredRecordSyntax");
+ }
+ public void setSyntax( String value)
+ {
+ options.set("preferredRecordSyntax", value ) ;
+ }
+ public String getDatabaseName()
+ {
+ return options.get("databaseName");
+ }
+ public void setDatabaseName( String value )
+ {
+ options.set("databaseName", value);
+ }
+ public String getUsername()
+ {
+ return options.get("user");
+ }
+ public void setUsername( String value )
+ {
+ options.set("user", value);
+ }
+ public String getPassword()
+ {
+ return options.get("password");
+ }
+ public void setPassword( String value )
+ {
+ options.set("password", value);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_options_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
+public class ConnectionExtended extends Connection
+ public ConnectionExtended(String host, int port)
+ {
+ super(host, port);
+ }
+ public Package Package(String type)
+ {
+ EnsureConnected();
+ Package pack = null;
+ SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_options_p options = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_options_create();
+ SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p yazPackage = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_package( zoomConnection, options);
+ pack = new Package(yazPackage, this, type);
+ return pack;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_connection_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_options_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
+public class ConnectionOptionsCollection
+ SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_options_p zoomOptions = null ;
+ ConnectionOptionsCollection()
+ {
+ zoomOptions = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_options_create();
+ }
+ public void finalize()
+ {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ yaz4jlib.ZOOM_options_destroy( zoomOptions );
+ zoomOptions = null ;
+ }
+ SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_connection_p CreateConnection()
+ {
+ return yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_create(zoomOptions);
+ }
+ public String get(String key)
+ {
+ return yaz4jlib.ZOOM_options_get(zoomOptions, key) ;
+ }
+ public void set(String key, String value)
+ {
+ yaz4jlib.ZOOM_options_set(zoomOptions, key, value) ;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+public class ConnectionTimeoutException extends RuntimeException
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ public ConnectionTimeoutException()
+ {
+ super();
+ }
+ public ConnectionTimeoutException(String message )
+ {
+ super( message );
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+public class ConnectionUnavailableException extends RuntimeException
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ public ConnectionUnavailableException()
+ {
+ super();
+ }
+ public ConnectionUnavailableException(String message )
+ {
+ super( message );
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+public class InitRejectedException extends RuntimeException
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ public InitRejectedException()
+ {
+ super();
+ }
+ public InitRejectedException(String message )
+ {
+ super( message );
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+public class InvalidQueryException extends RuntimeException
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ public InvalidQueryException()
+ {
+ super();
+ }
+ public InvalidQueryException(String message )
+ {
+ super( message );
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
+public class Package
+ private SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p pack = null ;
+ private ConnectionExtended connection = null ;
+ private String type;
+ Package(SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p pack, ConnectionExtended connection, String type)
+ {
+ this.type = type;
+ this.connection = connection;
+ this.pack = pack;
+ }
+ public void finalize()
+ {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public PackageOptionsCollection getPackageOptions()
+ {
+ return new PackageOptionsCollection(pack);
+ }
+ public void Send()
+ {
+ yaz4jlib.ZOOM_package_send( pack, type );
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ if ( pack != null )
+ {
+ yaz4jlib.ZOOM_package_destroy( pack );
+ connection = null;
+ pack = null ;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
+public class PackageOptionsCollection
+ private SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p pack = null;
+ PackageOptionsCollection(SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p pack)
+ {
+ this.pack = pack;
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ pack = null;
+ }
+ public String get(String key)
+ {
+ return yaz4jlib.ZOOM_package_option_get( pack, key) ;
+ }
+ public void set(String key, String value)
+ {
+ yaz4jlib.ZOOM_package_option_set( pack, key, value) ;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+public class PrefixQuery
+ private String query = null;
+ public PrefixQuery(String query)
+ {
+ this.query = query;
+ }
+ public String getQueryString()
+ {
+ return query ;
+ }
+ public void setQueryString( String query)
+ {
+ this.query = query ;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_record_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_int;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
+public class Record
+ private SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_record_p record = null ;
+ private ResultSet resultSet = null ;
+ private boolean disposed = false;
+ Record(SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_record_p record, ResultSet resultSet)
+ {
+ this.resultSet = resultSet;
+ this.record = record;
+ }
+ public void finalize()
+ {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public byte[] getContent()
+ {
+ String type = "raw";
+ SWIGTYPE_p_int length = null ;
+ return yaz4jlib.ZOOM_record_get_bytes(record, type, length) ;
+// String contentString = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_record_get(record, type, length) ;
+// System.err.println("!!!!!");
+// System.err.println(contentString);
+// System.err.println(contentString.length());
+// System.err.println("!!!!!");
+// try {
+// byte[] bytes = contentString.getBytes("UTF8");
+// System.err.println(bytes.length);
+// return bytes ;
+// } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
+// throw new RuntimeException(e);
+// }
+ }
+ public String getSyntax()
+ {
+ String type = "syntax";
+ SWIGTYPE_p_int length = null ;
+ String syntax = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_record_get(record, type, length);
+ return syntax ;
+ }
+ public String getDatabase()
+ {
+ String type = "database";
+ SWIGTYPE_p_int length = null ;
+ String database = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_record_get(record, type, length);
+ return database ;
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ if (!disposed)
+ {
+ resultSet = null;
+ record = null;
+ disposed = true;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_connection_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_record_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
+public class ResultSet
+ private SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p resultSet;
+ private SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_connection_p connection;
+ private long size = 0 ;
+ private Record[] records = null ;
+ private boolean disposed = false;
+ ResultSet(SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p resultSet, SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_connection_p connection)
+ {
+ this.resultSet = resultSet ;
+ this.connection = connection ;
+ size = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_resultset_size(this.resultSet);
+ records = new Record[(int)size];
+ }
+ public void finalize()
+ {
+ this.Dispose();
+ }
+ ResultSetOptionsCollection getResultSetOptions()
+ {
+ return new ResultSetOptionsCollection(resultSet);
+ }
+ public Record getRecord(int index)
+ {
+ if ( records[index] == null)
+ {
+ SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_record_p recordTemp = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_resultset_record(resultSet, index);
+ records[index] = new Record(recordTemp, this);
+ }
+ return this.records[index];
+ }
+ public int getSize()
+ {
+ return (int)size ;
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ if (! disposed )
+ {
+ for( int i=0 ; i<records.length ; i++)
+ {
+ if (records[i] != null)
+ records[i].Dispose();
+ }
+ yaz4jlib.ZOOM_resultset_destroy(resultSet);
+ connection = null;
+ resultSet = null;
+ disposed = true;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
+public class ResultSetOptionsCollection
+ private SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p resultSet = null ;
+ ResultSetOptionsCollection(SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p resultSet)
+ {
+ this.resultSet = resultSet;
+ }
+ public void finalize()
+ {
+ resultSet = null ;
+ }
+ public String get(String key)
+ {
+ return yaz4jlib.ZOOM_resultset_option_get(resultSet, key) ;
+ }
+ public void set(String key, String value)
+ {
+ yaz4jlib.ZOOM_resultset_option_set(resultSet, key, value) ;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_scanset_p;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_int;
+import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
+public class ScanSet
+ private SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_scanset_p scanSet = null ;
+ private Connection connection;
+ private boolean disposed = false;
+ ScanSet(SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_scanset_p scanSet, Connection connection)
+ {
+ this.connection = connection;
+ this.scanSet = scanSet;
+ }
+ public void finalize()
+ {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public ScanTerm get(long index)
+ {
+ SWIGTYPE_p_int occ = yaz4jlib.new_intp();
+ SWIGTYPE_p_int length = yaz4jlib.new_intp();
+ String term = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_scanset_term( scanSet, (long)index, occ, length ) ;
+ int occurences = yaz4jlib.intp_value(occ);
+ yaz4jlib.delete_intp(occ);
+ yaz4jlib.delete_intp(length);
+ return new ScanTerm(term, occurences);
+ }
+ public long getSize()
+ {
+ return yaz4jlib.ZOOM_scanset_size(scanSet);
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ if (! disposed)
+ {
+ yaz4jlib.ZOOM_scanset_destroy(scanSet);
+ connection = null;
+ scanSet = null;
+ disposed = true;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+public class ScanTerm
+ private String term;
+ private long occurences;
+ ScanTerm( String term, long occurences )
+ {
+ this.term = term;
+ this.occurences = occurences;
+ }
+ public String getTerm()
+ {
+ return term;
+ }
+ public long getOccurences()
+ {
+ return occurences;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
+import java.io.IOException;
+public class Yaz4jMain
+ // java -cp ./bin: -Djava.library.path=./libyaz4j org.yaz4j.Yaz4jMain
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException
+ {
+ Connection conn = new Connection("talisbase.talis.com", 210);
+ conn.setDatabaseName("unionm21");
+ conn.setUsername("fred");
+ conn.setPassword("apple");
+ conn.setSyntax("USMarc"); // USMarc, Sutrs, XML, opac, UKMarc
+ PrefixQuery query = new PrefixQuery( "@attr 1=4 \"pottering\"" );
+ ResultSet results = conn.Search( query );
+ int resultsSize = results.getSize() ;
+ System.out.println( "Found " + resultsSize + " records");
+ for( int i=0; i<resultsSize ; i++)
+ {
+ Record record = results.getRecord(i);
+ System.out.write(record.getContent());
+ }
+ conn.Dispose();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.yaz4j;
+public class ZoomImplementationException extends RuntimeException
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ public ZoomImplementationException()
+ {
+ super();
+ }
+ public ZoomImplementationException(String message )
+ {
+ super( message );
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-class Bib1Diagnostic
- private static Hashtable<Integer, String> errorCodes = new Hashtable<Integer, String>();
- static
- {
- errorCodes.put( 1, "PermanentSystemError" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 2, "TemporarySystemError" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 3, "UnsupportedSearch" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 4, "TermsOnlyIncludesExclusionOrStopWords" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 5, "TooManyArgumentWords" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 6, "TooManyBooleanOperators" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 7, "TooManyTruncatedWords" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 8, "TooManyIncompleteSubfields" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 9, "TruncatedWordsTooShort" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 10, "InvalidFormatForRecordNumberInSearchTerm" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 11, "TooManyCharactersInSearchStatement" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 12, "TooManyRecordsRetrieved" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 13, "PresentRequestOutOfRange" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 14, "SystemErrorInPresentingRecords" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 15, "RecordNotAuthorizedToBeSentIntersystem" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 16, "RecordExceedsPreferredMessageSize" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 17, "RecordExceedsExceptionalRecordSize" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 18, "ResultSetNotSupportedAsASearchTerm" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 19, "OnlySingleResultSetAsSearchTermSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 20, "OnlyAndingOfASingleResultSetAsSearchTerm" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 21, "ResultSetExistsAndReplaceIndicatorOff" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 22, "ResultSetNamingNotSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 23, "SpecifiedCombinationOfDatabasesNotSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 24, "ElementSetNamesNotSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 25, "SpecifiedElementSetNameNotValidForSpecifiedDatabase" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 26, "OnlyGenericFormOfElementSetNameSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 27, "ResultSetNoLongerExistsUnilaterallyDeletedByTarget" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 28, "ResultSetIsInUse" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 29, "OneOfTheSpecifiedDatabasesIsLocked" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 30, "SpecifiedResultSetDoesNotExist" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 31, "ResourcesExhaustedNoResultsAvailable" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 32, "ResourcesExhaustedUnpredictablePartialResultsAvailable" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 33, "ResourcesExhaustedValidSubsetOfResultsAvailable" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 100, "UnspecifiedError" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 101, "AccessControlFailure" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 102, "ChallengeRequiredCouldNotBeIssuedOperationTerminated" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 103, "ChallengeRequiredCouldNotBeIssuedRecordNotIncluded" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 104, "ChallengeFailedRecordNotIncluded" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 105, "TerminatedAtOriginRequest" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 106, "NoAbstractSyntaxesAgreedToForThisRecord" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 107, "QueryTypeNotSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 108, "MalformedQuery" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 109, "DatabaseUnavailable" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 110, "OperatorUnsupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 111, "TooManyDatabasesSpecified" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 112, "TooManyResultSetsCreated" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 113, "UnsupportedAttributeType" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 114, "UnsupportedUseAttribute" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 115, "UnsupportedTermValueForUseAttribute" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 116, "UseAttributeRequiredButNotSupplied" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 117, "UnsupportedRelationAttribute" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 118, "UnsupportedStructureAttribute" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 119, "UnsupportedPositionAttribute" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 120, "UnsupportedTruncationAttribute" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 121, "UnsupportedAttributeSet" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 122, "UnsupportedCompletenessAttribute" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 123, "UnsupportedAttributeCombination" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 124, "UnsupportedCodedValueForTerm" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 125, "MalformedSearchTerm" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 126, "IllegalTermValueForAttribute" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 127, "UnparsableFormatForUnNormalizedValue" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 128, "IllegalResultSetName" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 129, "ProximitySearchOfSetsNotSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 130, "IllegalResultSetInProximitySearch" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 131, "UnsupportedProximityRelation" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 132, "UnsupportedProximityUnitCode" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 201, "ProximityNotSupportedWithThisAttributeCombinationAttribute" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 202, "UnsupportedDistanceForProximity" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 203, "OrderedFlagNotSupportedForProximity" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 205, "OnlyZeroStepSizeSupportedForScan" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 206, "SpecifiedStepSizeNotSupportedForScanStep" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 207, "CannotSortAccordingToSequence" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 208, "NoResultSetNameSuppliedOnSort" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 209, "GenericSortNotSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 210, "DatabaseSpecificSortNotSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 211, "TooManySortKeys" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 212, "DuplicateSortKeys" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 213, "UnsupportedMissingDataAction" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 214, "IllegalSortRelation" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 215, "IllegalCaseValue" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 216, "IllegalMissingDataAction" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 217, "SegmentationCannotGuaranteeRecordsWillFitInSpecifiedSegments" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 218, "EsPackageNameAlreadyInUse" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 219, "EsNoSuchPackageOnModifyDelete" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 220, "EsQuotaExceeded" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 221, "EsExtendedServiceTypeNotSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 222, "EsPermissionDeniedOnEsIdNotAuthorized" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 223, "EsPermissionDeniedOnEsCannotModifyOrDelete" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 224, "EsImmediateExecutionFailed" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 225, "EsImmediateExecutionNotSupportedForThisService" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 226, "EsImmediateExecutionNotSupportedForTheseParameters" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 227, "NoDataAvailableInRequestedRecordSyntax" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 228, "ScanMalformedScan" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 229, "TermTypeNotSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 230, "SortTooManyInputResults" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 231, "SortIncompatibleRecordFormats" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 232, "ScanTermListNotSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 233, "ScanUnsupportedValueOfPositionInResponse" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 234, "TooManyIndexTermsProcessed" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 235, "DatabaseDoesNotExist" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 236, "AccessToSpecifiedDatabaseDenied" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 237, "SortIllegalSort" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 238, "RecordNotAvailableInRequestedSyntax" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 239, "RecordSyntaxNotSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 240, "ScanResourcesExhaustedLookingForSatisfyingTerms" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 241, "ScanBeginningOrEndOfTermList" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 242, "SegmentationMaxSegmentSizeTooSmallToSegmentRecord" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 243, "PresentAdditionalRangesParameterNotSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 244, "PresentCompSpecParameterNotSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 245, "Type1QueryRestrictionOperandNotSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 246, "Type1QueryComplexAttributevalueNotSupported" ) ;
- errorCodes.put( 247, "Type1QueryAttributesetAsPartOfAttributeelementNotSupported" ) ;
- }
- public static String GetError( int errorCode )
- {
- String errorText = "Unknown Error" ;
- if( errorCodes.containsKey(errorCode) )
- errorText = errorCodes.get( errorCode );
- return errorText;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-public class Bib1Exception extends RuntimeException
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- public Bib1Exception()
- {
- super();
- }
- public Bib1Exception(String message )
- {
- super( message );
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-public class CQLQuery
- private String query = null;
- public CQLQuery(String query)
- {
- this.query = query;
- }
- public String getQueryString()
- {
- return query ;
- }
- public void setQueryString( String query)
- {
- this.query = query ;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_connection_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_query_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_scanset_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_p_char;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlibConstants;
-import sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.NotImplementedException;
-public class Connection
- private String host ;
- private int port ;
- private ConnectionOptionsCollection options = null ;
- protected SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_connection_p zoomConnection = null ;
- private boolean connected = false;
- private boolean disposed = false;
- static
- {
- // on Linux 'yaz4j' maps to 'libyaz4j.so' (i.e. 'lib' prefix & '.so' extension)
- // on Windows 'yaz4j' maps to 'yaz4j.dll' (i.e. '.dll' extension)
- String libName = "yaz4j" ;
- try
- {
- // System.err.println( "Loading library '"+ System.mapLibraryName( libName ) + "'" );
- System.loadLibrary( libName );
- }
- catch( Throwable e )
- {
- System.err.println( "Fatal Error: Failed to load library '" + System.mapLibraryName( libName ) + "'");
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- public Connection(String host, int port)
- {
- this.host = host ;
- this.port = port ;
- options = new ConnectionOptionsCollection();
- zoomConnection = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_create(options.zoomOptions);
- SWIGTYPE_p_p_char cp = null;
- SWIGTYPE_p_p_char addinfo = null ;
- int errorCode = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_error(zoomConnection, cp, addinfo);
- CheckErrorCodeAndThrow(errorCode);
- }
- public void finalize()
- {
- Dispose();
- }
- private void CheckErrorCodeAndThrow(int errorCode)
- {
- String message;
- if( errorCode == yaz4jlibConstants.ZOOM_ERROR_NONE )
- {
- return ;
- }
- else if( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_CONNECT )
- {
- message = String.format("Connection could not be made to %s:%d", host, port);
- throw new ConnectionUnavailableException(message);
- }
- else if( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_INVALID_QUERY )
- {
- message = String.format("The query requested is not valid or not supported");
- throw new InvalidQueryException(message);
- }
- else if( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_INIT )
- {
- message = String.format("Server %s:%d rejected our init request", host, port);
- throw new InitRejectedException(message);
- }
- else if( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_TIMEOUT )
- {
- message = String.format("Server %s:%d timed out handling our request", host, port);
- throw new ConnectionTimeoutException(message);
- }
- else if( ( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_MEMORY )
- || ( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_ENCODE )
- || ( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_DECODE )
- || ( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_CONNECTION_LOST )
- || ( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_INTERNAL )
- || ( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL )
- || ( errorCode == yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_QUERY ) )
- {
- message = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_errmsg(zoomConnection);
- throw new ZoomImplementationException("A fatal error occurred in Yaz: " + errorCode + " - " + message);
- }
- else
- {
- String errMsgBib1 = "Bib1Exception: Error Code = " + errorCode + " (" + Bib1Diagnostic.GetError(errorCode) + ")" ;
- throw new Bib1Exception( errMsgBib1 );
- }
- }
- private enum QueryType { CQLQuery, PrefixQuery };
- public ResultSet Search(PrefixQuery query)
- {
- return Search( query.getQueryString(), QueryType.PrefixQuery);
- }
- public ResultSet Search(CQLQuery query)
- {
- return Search( query.getQueryString(), QueryType.CQLQuery);
- }
- private ResultSet Search(String query, QueryType queryType)
- {
- EnsureConnected();
- SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_query_p yazQuery = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_query_create();
- ResultSet resultSet = null;
- try
- {
- if( queryType == QueryType.CQLQuery )
- yaz4jlib.ZOOM_query_cql(yazQuery, query);
- else if( queryType == QueryType.PrefixQuery )
- yaz4jlib.ZOOM_query_prefix(yazQuery, query);
- else
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p yazResultSet = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_search(zoomConnection, yazQuery);
- int errorCode = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_errcode( zoomConnection );
- if (errorCode != yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_NONE)
- {
- yaz4jlib.ZOOM_resultset_destroy(yazResultSet);
- }
- CheckErrorCodeAndThrow(errorCode);
- resultSet = new ResultSet(yazResultSet, zoomConnection);
- }
- finally
- {
- yaz4jlib.ZOOM_query_destroy(yazQuery); // deallocate yazQuery also when exceptions
- yazQuery = null;
- }
- return resultSet;
- }
- public ScanSet Scan(String query)
- {
- EnsureConnected();
- SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_scanset_p yazScanSet = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_scan(zoomConnection, query);
- int errorCode = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_errcode(zoomConnection);
- if( errorCode != yaz4jlib.ZOOM_ERROR_NONE )
- {
- yaz4jlib.ZOOM_scanset_destroy(yazScanSet);
- }
- CheckErrorCodeAndThrow(errorCode);
- ScanSet scanSet = new ScanSet(yazScanSet, this);
- return scanSet;
- }
- public ConnectionOptionsCollection getOptions()
- {
- return options;
- }
- protected void EnsureConnected()
- {
- if (! connected )
- Connect();
- }
- public void Connect()
- {
- yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_connect( zoomConnection, host, port);
- int errorCode = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_errcode(zoomConnection);
- CheckErrorCodeAndThrow(errorCode);
- connected = true;
- }
- public void Dispose()
- {
- if (! disposed )
- {
- yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_destroy(zoomConnection);
- zoomConnection = null;
- disposed = true;
- }
- }
- public String getSyntax()
- {
- return options.get("preferredRecordSyntax");
- }
- public void setSyntax( String value)
- {
- options.set("preferredRecordSyntax", value ) ;
- }
- public String getDatabaseName()
- {
- return options.get("databaseName");
- }
- public void setDatabaseName( String value )
- {
- options.set("databaseName", value);
- }
- public String getUsername()
- {
- return options.get("user");
- }
- public void setUsername( String value )
- {
- options.set("user", value);
- }
- public String getPassword()
- {
- return options.get("password");
- }
- public void setPassword( String value )
- {
- options.set("password", value);
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_options_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
-public class ConnectionExtended extends Connection
- public ConnectionExtended(String host, int port)
- {
- super(host, port);
- }
- public Package Package(String type)
- {
- EnsureConnected();
- Package pack = null;
- SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_options_p options = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_options_create();
- SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p yazPackage = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_package( zoomConnection, options);
- pack = new Package(yazPackage, this, type);
- return pack;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_connection_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_options_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
-public class ConnectionOptionsCollection
- SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_options_p zoomOptions = null ;
- ConnectionOptionsCollection()
- {
- zoomOptions = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_options_create();
- }
- public void finalize()
- {
- Dispose();
- }
- public void Dispose()
- {
- yaz4jlib.ZOOM_options_destroy( zoomOptions );
- zoomOptions = null ;
- }
- SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_connection_p CreateConnection()
- {
- return yaz4jlib.ZOOM_connection_create(zoomOptions);
- }
- public String get(String key)
- {
- return yaz4jlib.ZOOM_options_get(zoomOptions, key) ;
- }
- public void set(String key, String value)
- {
- yaz4jlib.ZOOM_options_set(zoomOptions, key, value) ;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-public class ConnectionTimeoutException extends RuntimeException
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- public ConnectionTimeoutException()
- {
- super();
- }
- public ConnectionTimeoutException(String message )
- {
- super( message );
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-public class ConnectionUnavailableException extends RuntimeException
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- public ConnectionUnavailableException()
- {
- super();
- }
- public ConnectionUnavailableException(String message )
- {
- super( message );
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-public class InitRejectedException extends RuntimeException
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- public InitRejectedException()
- {
- super();
- }
- public InitRejectedException(String message )
- {
- super( message );
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-public class InvalidQueryException extends RuntimeException
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- public InvalidQueryException()
- {
- super();
- }
- public InvalidQueryException(String message )
- {
- super( message );
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
-public class Package
- private SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p pack = null ;
- private ConnectionExtended connection = null ;
- private String type;
- Package(SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p pack, ConnectionExtended connection, String type)
- {
- this.type = type;
- this.connection = connection;
- this.pack = pack;
- }
- public void finalize()
- {
- Dispose();
- }
- public PackageOptionsCollection getPackageOptions()
- {
- return new PackageOptionsCollection(pack);
- }
- public void Send()
- {
- yaz4jlib.ZOOM_package_send( pack, type );
- }
- public void Dispose()
- {
- if ( pack != null )
- {
- yaz4jlib.ZOOM_package_destroy( pack );
- connection = null;
- pack = null ;
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
-public class PackageOptionsCollection
- private SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p pack = null;
- PackageOptionsCollection(SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_package_p pack)
- {
- this.pack = pack;
- }
- public void Dispose()
- {
- pack = null;
- }
- public String get(String key)
- {
- return yaz4jlib.ZOOM_package_option_get( pack, key) ;
- }
- public void set(String key, String value)
- {
- yaz4jlib.ZOOM_package_option_set( pack, key, value) ;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-public class PrefixQuery
- private String query = null;
- public PrefixQuery(String query)
- {
- this.query = query;
- }
- public String getQueryString()
- {
- return query ;
- }
- public void setQueryString( String query)
- {
- this.query = query ;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_record_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_int;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
-public class Record
- private SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_record_p record = null ;
- private ResultSet resultSet = null ;
- private boolean disposed = false;
- Record(SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_record_p record, ResultSet resultSet)
- {
- this.resultSet = resultSet;
- this.record = record;
- }
- public void finalize()
- {
- Dispose();
- }
- public byte[] getContent()
- {
- String type = "raw";
- SWIGTYPE_p_int length = null ;
- return yaz4jlib.ZOOM_record_get_bytes(record, type, length) ;
-// String contentString = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_record_get(record, type, length) ;
-// System.err.println("!!!!!");
-// System.err.println(contentString);
-// System.err.println(contentString.length());
-// System.err.println("!!!!!");
-// try {
-// byte[] bytes = contentString.getBytes("UTF8");
-// System.err.println(bytes.length);
-// return bytes ;
-// } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
-// throw new RuntimeException(e);
-// }
- }
- public String getSyntax()
- {
- String type = "syntax";
- SWIGTYPE_p_int length = null ;
- String syntax = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_record_get(record, type, length);
- return syntax ;
- }
- public String getDatabase()
- {
- String type = "database";
- SWIGTYPE_p_int length = null ;
- String database = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_record_get(record, type, length);
- return database ;
- }
- public void Dispose()
- {
- if (!disposed)
- {
- resultSet = null;
- record = null;
- disposed = true;
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_connection_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_record_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
-public class ResultSet
- private SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p resultSet;
- private SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_connection_p connection;
- private long size = 0 ;
- private Record[] records = null ;
- private boolean disposed = false;
- ResultSet(SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p resultSet, SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_connection_p connection)
- {
- this.resultSet = resultSet ;
- this.connection = connection ;
- size = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_resultset_size(this.resultSet);
- records = new Record[(int)size];
- }
- public void finalize()
- {
- this.Dispose();
- }
- ResultSetOptionsCollection getResultSetOptions()
- {
- return new ResultSetOptionsCollection(resultSet);
- }
- public Record getRecord(int index)
- {
- if ( records[index] == null)
- {
- SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_record_p recordTemp = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_resultset_record(resultSet, index);
- records[index] = new Record(recordTemp, this);
- }
- return this.records[index];
- }
- public int getSize()
- {
- return (int)size ;
- }
- public void Dispose()
- {
- if (! disposed )
- {
- for( int i=0 ; i<records.length ; i++)
- {
- if (records[i] != null)
- records[i].Dispose();
- }
- yaz4jlib.ZOOM_resultset_destroy(resultSet);
- connection = null;
- resultSet = null;
- disposed = true;
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
-public class ResultSetOptionsCollection
- private SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p resultSet = null ;
- ResultSetOptionsCollection(SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_resultset_p resultSet)
- {
- this.resultSet = resultSet;
- }
- public void finalize()
- {
- resultSet = null ;
- }
- public String get(String key)
- {
- return yaz4jlib.ZOOM_resultset_option_get(resultSet, key) ;
- }
- public void set(String key, String value)
- {
- yaz4jlib.ZOOM_resultset_option_set(resultSet, key, value) ;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_scanset_p;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.SWIGTYPE_p_int;
-import org.yaz4j.jni.yaz4jlib;
-public class ScanSet
- private SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_scanset_p scanSet = null ;
- private Connection connection;
- private boolean disposed = false;
- ScanSet(SWIGTYPE_p_ZOOM_scanset_p scanSet, Connection connection)
- {
- this.connection = connection;
- this.scanSet = scanSet;
- }
- public void finalize()
- {
- Dispose();
- }
- public ScanTerm get(long index)
- {
- SWIGTYPE_p_int occ = yaz4jlib.new_intp();
- SWIGTYPE_p_int length = yaz4jlib.new_intp();
- String term = yaz4jlib.ZOOM_scanset_term( scanSet, (long)index, occ, length ) ;
- int occurences = yaz4jlib.intp_value(occ);
- yaz4jlib.delete_intp(occ);
- yaz4jlib.delete_intp(length);
- return new ScanTerm(term, occurences);
- }
- public long getSize()
- {
- return yaz4jlib.ZOOM_scanset_size(scanSet);
- }
- public void Dispose()
- {
- if (! disposed)
- {
- yaz4jlib.ZOOM_scanset_destroy(scanSet);
- connection = null;
- scanSet = null;
- disposed = true;
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-public class ScanTerm
- private String term;
- private long occurences;
- ScanTerm( String term, long occurences )
- {
- this.term = term;
- this.occurences = occurences;
- }
- public String getTerm()
- {
- return term;
- }
- public long getOccurences()
- {
- return occurences;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
-import java.io.IOException;
-public class Yaz4jMain
- // java -cp ./bin: -Djava.library.path=./libyaz4j org.yaz4j.Yaz4jMain
- public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException
- {
- Connection conn = new Connection("talisbase.talis.com", 210);
- conn.setDatabaseName("unionm21");
- conn.setUsername("fred");
- conn.setPassword("apple");
- conn.setSyntax("USMarc"); // USMarc, Sutrs, XML, opac, UKMarc
- PrefixQuery query = new PrefixQuery( "@attr 1=4 \"pottering\"" );
- ResultSet results = conn.Search( query );
- int resultsSize = results.getSize() ;
- System.out.println( "Found " + resultsSize + " records");
- for( int i=0; i<resultsSize ; i++)
- {
- Record record = results.getRecord(i);
- System.out.write(record.getContent());
- }
- conn.Dispose();
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package org.yaz4j;
-public class ZoomImplementationException extends RuntimeException
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- public ZoomImplementationException()
- {
- super();
- }
- public ZoomImplementationException(String message )
- {
- super( message );
- }
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>\r
+<project name="librae-common-yaz4j">\r
+ <bannerLeft>\r
+ <name>yaz4j</name>\r
+ <src>http://www.indexdata.com/sites/indexdata.com/themes/indexd/topbar.gif</src>\r
+ <href>http://indexdata.com/yaz</href>\r
+ </bannerLeft>\r
+ <publishDate format="dd MMM yyyy"/>\r
+ <skin>\r
+ <groupId>org.apache.tapestry</groupId>\r
+ <artifactId>maven-skin</artifactId>\r
+ <version>1.1</version>\r
+ </skin>\r
+ <body>\r
+ <menu ref="modules"/>\r
+ ${reports}\r
+ </body>\r
--- /dev/null
+package yaz4jtest;
+import org.junit.*;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+import java.util.*;
+public class ConnectionTest {
+ @Test
+ public void testConnection() {
+ org.yaz4j.Connection con = new org.yaz4j.Connection("z3950.indexdata.dk:210/gils", 0);
+ assertNotNull(con);
+ con.setSyntax("sutrs");
+ org.yaz4j.PrefixQuery pqf = new org.yaz4j.PrefixQuery("@attr 1=4 utah");
+ assertNotNull(pqf);
+ org.yaz4j.ResultSet s = con.Search(pqf);
+ assertNotNull(s);
+ assertEquals(s.getSize(), 9);
+ org.yaz4j.Record rec = s.getRecord(0);
+ assertNotNull(rec);
+ byte [] content = rec.getContent();
+ // first SUTRS record
+ assertEquals(content.length, 1940);
+ assertEquals(content[0], 103);
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-package yaz4jtest;
-import org.junit.*;
-import static org.junit.Assert.*;
-import java.util.*;
-public class ConnectionTest {
- @Test
- public void testConnection() {
- org.yaz4j.Connection con = new org.yaz4j.Connection("z3950.indexdata.dk:210/gils", 0);
- assertNotNull(con);
- con.setSyntax("sutrs");
- org.yaz4j.PrefixQuery pqf = new org.yaz4j.PrefixQuery("@attr 1=4 utah");
- assertNotNull(pqf);
- org.yaz4j.ResultSet s = con.Search(pqf);
- assertNotNull(s);
- assertEquals(s.getSize(), 9);
- org.yaz4j.Record rec = s.getRecord(0);
- assertNotNull(rec);
- byte [] content = rec.getContent();
- // first SUTRS record
- assertEquals(content.length, 1940);
- assertEquals(content[0], 103);
- }