* Copyright (c) 1995-2003, Index Data
* See the file LICENSE for details.
- * $Id: seshigh.c,v 1.160 2003-07-16 21:02:06 adam Exp $
+ * $Id: seshigh.c,v 1.161 2003-09-09 16:03:46 mike Exp $
static int process_gdu_response(association *assoc, request *req, Z_GDU *res);
static int process_z_response(association *assoc, request *req, Z_APDU *res);
static Z_APDU *process_initRequest(association *assoc, request *reqb);
+static Z_External *init_diagnostics(ODR odr, int errcode, char *errstring);
static Z_APDU *process_searchRequest(association *assoc, request *reqb,
int *fd);
static Z_APDU *response_searchRequest(association *assoc, request *reqb,
yaz_log(LOG_LOG, "Connection rejected by backend.");
*resp->result = 0;
assoc->state = ASSOC_DEAD;
+ resp->userInformationField = init_diagnostics(assoc->encode,
+ binitres->errcode,
+ binitres->errstring);
assoc->state = ASSOC_UP;
- * These functions should be merged.
+ * Diagnostic in default format, to be returned as either a surrogate
+ * or non-surrogate diagnostic in the context of an open session, or
+ * as User-information when an Init is refused.
-static void set_addinfo (Z_DefaultDiagFormat *dr, char *addinfo, ODR odr)
+static Z_DefaultDiagFormat *justdiag(ODR odr, int error, char *addinfo)
+ int *err = odr_intdup(odr, error);
+ Z_DefaultDiagFormat *dr = (Z_DefaultDiagFormat *)
+ odr_malloc (odr, sizeof(*dr));
+ yaz_log(LOG_LOG, "[%d] %s%s%s", error, diagbib1_str(error),
+ addinfo ? " -- " : "", addinfo ? addinfo : "");
+ dr->diagnosticSetId =
+ yaz_oidval_to_z3950oid (odr, CLASS_DIAGSET, VAL_BIB1);
+ dr->condition = err;
dr->which = Z_DefaultDiagFormat_v2Addinfo;
dr->u.v2Addinfo = odr_strdup (odr, addinfo ? addinfo : "");
+ return dr;
+ * Set the specified `errcode' and `errstring' into a UserInfo-1
+ * external to be returned to the client in accordance with Z35.90
+ * Implementor Agreement 5 (Returning diagnostics in an InitResponse):
+ * http://lcweb.loc.gov/z3950/agency/agree/initdiag.html
+ */
+static Z_External *init_diagnostics(ODR odr, int error, char *addinfo)
+ Z_External *x, *x2;
+ oident oid;
+ Z_OtherInformation *u;
+ Z_OtherInformationUnit *l;
+ Z_DiagnosticFormat *d;
+ Z_DiagnosticFormat_s *e;
+ x = (Z_External*) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof *x);
+ x->descriptor = 0;
+ x->indirect_reference = 0;
+ oid.proto = PROTO_Z3950;
+ oid.oclass = CLASS_USERINFO;
+ oid.value = VAL_USERINFO1;
+ x->direct_reference = odr_oiddup(odr, oid_getoidbyent(&oid));
+ x->which = Z_External_userInfo1;
+ u = odr_malloc(odr, sizeof *u);
+ x->u.userInfo1 = u;
+ u->num_elements = 1;
+ u->list = (Z_OtherInformationUnit**) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof *u->list);
+ u->list[0] = (Z_OtherInformationUnit*) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof *u->list[0]);
+ l = u->list[0];
+ l->category = 0;
+ l->which = Z_OtherInfo_externallyDefinedInfo;
+ x2 = (Z_External*) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof *x);
+ l->information.externallyDefinedInfo = x2;
+ x2->descriptor = 0;
+ x2->indirect_reference = 0;
+ oid.oclass = CLASS_DIAGSET;
+ oid.value = VAL_DIAG1;
+ x2->direct_reference = odr_oiddup(odr, oid_getoidbyent(&oid));
+ x2->which = Z_External_diag1;
+ d = (Z_DiagnosticFormat*) odr_malloc(odr, sizeof *d);
+ x2->u.diag1 = d;
+ d->num = 1;
+ d->elements = (Z_DiagnosticFormat_s**) odr_malloc (odr, sizeof *d->elements);
+ d->elements[0] = (Z_DiagnosticFormat_s*) odr_malloc (odr, sizeof *d->elements[0]);
+ e = d->elements[0];
+ e->which = Z_DiagnosticFormat_s_defaultDiagRec;
+ e->u.defaultDiagRec = justdiag(odr, error, addinfo);
+ return x;
Z_Records *rec = (Z_Records *)
odr_malloc (assoc->encode, sizeof(*rec));
- int *err = odr_intdup(assoc->encode, error);
- Z_DiagRec *drec = (Z_DiagRec *)
- odr_malloc (assoc->encode, sizeof(*drec));
- Z_DefaultDiagFormat *dr = (Z_DefaultDiagFormat *)
- odr_malloc (assoc->encode, sizeof(*dr));
- yaz_log(LOG_LOG, "[%d] %s %s%s", error, diagbib1_str(error),
- addinfo ? " -- " : "", addinfo ? addinfo : "");
rec->which = Z_Records_NSD;
- rec->u.nonSurrogateDiagnostic = dr;
- dr->diagnosticSetId =
- yaz_oidval_to_z3950oid (assoc->encode, CLASS_DIAGSET, VAL_BIB1);
- dr->condition = err;
- set_addinfo (dr, addinfo, assoc->encode);
+ rec->u.nonSurrogateDiagnostic = justdiag(assoc->encode, error, addinfo);
return rec;
Z_NamePlusRecord *rec = (Z_NamePlusRecord *)
odr_malloc (assoc->encode, sizeof(*rec));
- int *err = odr_intdup(assoc->encode, error);
Z_DiagRec *drec = (Z_DiagRec *)odr_malloc (assoc->encode, sizeof(*drec));
- Z_DefaultDiagFormat *dr = (Z_DefaultDiagFormat *)
- odr_malloc (assoc->encode, sizeof(*dr));
yaz_log(LOG_DEBUG, "SurrogateDiagnotic: %d -- %s", error, addinfo);
rec->databaseName = dbname;
rec->which = Z_NamePlusRecord_surrogateDiagnostic;
rec->u.surrogateDiagnostic = drec;
drec->which = Z_DiagRec_defaultFormat;
- drec->u.defaultFormat = dr;
- dr->diagnosticSetId =
- yaz_oidval_to_z3950oid (assoc->encode, CLASS_DIAGSET, VAL_BIB1);
- dr->condition = err;
- set_addinfo (dr, addinfo, assoc->encode);
+ drec->u.defaultFormat = justdiag(assoc->encode, error, addinfo);
return rec;