-# $Id: 26-packages.t,v 1.7 2006-04-12 12:29:49 mike Exp $
+# $Id: 26-packages.t,v 1.8 2006-06-07 09:58:56 mike Exp $
# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl 26-packages.t'
return (0, undef, undef);
+# To investigate the set of databases created, use Explain Classic:
+# $ yaz-client -u admin/fish test.indexdata.com:2118/IR-Explain-1
+# Z> find @attr exp1 1=1 databaseinfo
+# Z> format xml
+# Z> show 3
+# It seems that Explain still knows about dropped databases.