-/* $Id: mod_dom.c,v 1.2 2007-02-12 10:33:51 adam Exp $
+/* $Id: mod_dom.c,v 1.3 2007-02-12 13:24:31 marc Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2007
Index Data ApS
#define XML_STRCMP(a,b) strcmp((char*)a, b)
#define XML_STRLEN(a) strlen((char*)a)
+static void format_pi_zebra_err(char *err_str, const char *pi_str, const char *look)
+ strncpy(err_str, pi_str, look - pi_str);
+ strncpy(err_str + (look - pi_str), "->", 2);
+ strcpy(err_str + (look - pi_str + 2) , look);
+use PI parsing like this
+ if (!parse_pi_zebra_20(pi_str, err_str))
+ printf("ERROR '%s'\n", err_str);
+static int parse_pi_zebra_20(const char *pi_str, char *err_str)
+ const char *look = pi_str;
+ const char *bval;
+ const char *eval;
+ char value[256];
+ char index[256];
+ char type[256];
+ *value = '\0';
+ *index = '\0';
+ *type = '\0';
+ // parsing record instruction
+ if (0 == strncmp(look, "record", 6)){
+ look += 6;
+ printf("record\n");
+ if (*look && 0 == strncmp(look, " id=", 4)){
+ look += 4;
+ bval = look;
+ printf(" id=");
+ while (*look && ' ' != *look)
+ look++;
+ eval = look;
+ strncpy(value, bval, eval - bval);
+ value[eval - bval] = '\0';
+ printf("%s\n", value);
+ }
+ if (*look && 0 == strncmp(look, " rank=", 6)){
+ look += 6;
+ bval = look;
+ printf(" rank=");
+ while (*look && ' ' != *look)
+ look++;
+ eval = look;
+ strncpy(value, bval, eval - bval);
+ value[eval - bval] = '\0';
+ printf("%s\n", value);
+ }
+ if (!*look){
+ return 1;
+ }
+ format_pi_zebra_err(err_str, pi_str, look);
+ }
+ // parsing index instruction
+ else if (0 == strncmp(look, "index", 5)){
+ look += 5;
+ printf("index\n");
+ // parsing all index name/type pairs
+ while (*look && ' ' == *look && *(look+1)){
+ look++;
+ // index name must not start with ';' or ' '
+ if (!*look || ':' == *look || ' ' == *look){
+ format_pi_zebra_err(err_str, pi_str, look);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // setting name and type to zero
+ *index = '\0';
+ *type = '\0';
+ // parsing one index name
+ bval = look;
+ while (*look && ':' != *look && ' ' != *look){
+ look++;
+ }
+ eval = look;
+ strncpy(index, bval, eval - bval);
+ index[eval - bval] = '\0';
+ // parsing one index type, if existing
+ if (':' == *look){
+ look++;
+ bval = look;
+ while (*look && ' ' != *look){
+ look++;
+ }
+ eval = look;
+ strncpy(type, bval, eval - bval);
+ type[eval - bval] = '\0';
+ }
+ printf(" %s:%s\n", index, type);
+ }
+ if (!*look){
+ return 1;
+ }
+ format_pi_zebra_err(err_str, pi_str, look);
+ }
+ // remaining unparsed rest of PI
+ else {
+ format_pi_zebra_err(err_str, pi_str, look);
+ }
+ return 0;
static void set_param_str(const char **params, const char *name,
const char *value, ODR odr)