<chapter id="introduction">
- <!-- $Id: introduction.xml,v 1.51 2007-12-19 13:35:39 adam Exp $ -->
+ <!-- $Id: introduction.xml,v 1.52 2008-01-30 08:02:10 marc Exp $ -->
<section id="overview">
+ <section id="kete-dom">
+ <title>Kete Open Source Digital Library and Archiving software</title>
+ <para>
+ <ulink url="http://kete.net.nz/">Kete</ulink> is a digital object
+ management repository, initially developed in
+ New Zealand. Initial development has
+ been a partnership between the Horowhenua Library Trust and
+ Katipo Communications Ltd. funded as part of the Community
+ Partnership Fund in 2006.
+ Kete is purpose built
+ software to enable communities to build their own digital
+ libraries, archives and repositories.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ It is based on Ruby-on-Rails and MySQL, and integrates the &zebra; server
+ and the &yaz; toolkit for indexing and retrieval of it's content.
+ Zebra is run as separate computer process from the Kete
+ application.
+ See
+ how Kete <ulink
+ url="http://kete.net.nz/documentation/topics/show/139-managing-zebra">manages
+ Zebra.</ulink>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Why does Kete wants to use Zebra?? Speed, Scalability and easy
+ integration with Koha. Read their
+ <ulink
+ url="http://kete.net.nz/blog/topics/show/44-who-what-why-when-answering-some-of-the-niggly-development-questions">detailled
+ reasoning here.</ulink>
+ </para>
+ </section>
<section id="emilda-ils">
<title>Emilda open source ILS</title>