NSIS="c:\program files\nsis\makensis.exe"
HHC="c:\program files\html help workshop\hhc.exe"
dist: yaz.win32.nsi yaz.nsi distclean
- nmake DEBUG=0
+ nmake DEBUG=0 all yaz4j
$(NSIS) yaz.win32.nsi
dist64: yaz.win64.nsi yaz.nsi distclean
$(NSIS) yaz.win64.nsi
- nmake DEBUG=0 HAVE_LIBXSLT=1 HAVE_LIBXML2=1 HAVE_ICONV=0 HAVE_ICU=1 LIBXML2_DIR=c:\libxml2-2.7.8.win64 LIBXSLT_DIR=c:\libxslt-1.1.26.win64 ICU_LIB=\icu64\lib64 ICU_INCLUDE=\icu64\include ICU_BIN=\icu64\bin64
+ nmake DEBUG=0 HAVE_LIBXSLT=1 HAVE_LIBXML2=1 HAVE_ICONV=0 HAVE_ICU=1 LIBXML2_DIR=c:\libxml2-2.7.8.win64 LIBXSLT_DIR=c:\libxslt-1.1.26.win64 ICU_LIB=\icu64\lib64 ICU_INCLUDE=\icu64\include ICU_BIN=\icu64\bin64 YAZ4J_DIR=..\..\..\yaz4j all yaz4j
nmake DEBUG=1 clean
nmake DEBUG=0 clean
-nsis: all yaz32.nsi
+nsis: all yaz.win32.nsi
$(NSIS) yaz.win32.nsi
nsis64: yaz.win64.nsi
WINDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\win # all these Win make things
SRCDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\src # for the case we move them under src
DOCDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\doc # where the doc is
# where we store intermediate files
!if $(DEBUG)
+# TMPDIR=$(ROOTDIR)\win\tmp
# Targets - what to make
/MD /O2
-# /W3 = warning level
-# /GX = Enable exception handling
-# /FD = Generate file dependencies (what ever they are)
-# /c = compile without linking
-# /FR = Generate browse info (.sbr file that gets combined into .bsc)
-# /Fo = object file name (or at least path)
-# /Fd = debug database name (or path)
-# /MD = Runtime library: Multithread DLL
-# /MDd = Runtime library: Multithread DLL (debug)
-# /Od = Disable optimising (debug)
-# /O2 = Optimize for speed
-# /Gm = Minimal rebuild (some cpp class stuff)
-# /Zi = Program database for debuggers
-# /ZI = Pgm database with special "edit&continue" stuff - not available in C5
+# without >log below, mvn install does NOT work
+yaz4j: $(JAVADIR)
+ cd $(YAZ4J_DIR)
+ mvn clean
+ mvn $(MVN_ARGS) -DskipTests install >log
+ copy /Y win32\target\yaz4j.dll "$(MAKEDIR)\..\bin"
+ copy /Y any\target\yaz4j.jar "$(MAKEDIR)\..\java"
### Linker options
# check directories and create if needed
if not exist "$@/$(NUL)" mkdir "$@"
File *.rc
+Section "YAZ4J" YAZ4J
+ SectionIn 1 2
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR\bin
+ File ..\bin\yaz4j.dll
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR\java
+ File ..\java\yaz4j.jar
; begin uninstall settings/section
UninstallText "This will uninstall YAZ ${VERSION} from your system"
LangString DESC_YAZ_Development ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Header files and import libraries required for developing software using YAZ."
LangString DESC_YAZ_Documentation ${LANG_ENGLISH} "YAZ Users' guide and reference in HTML. Describes both YAZ applications and the API."
LangString DESC_YAZ_Source ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Source code of YAZ. Required if you need to rebuild YAZ (for debugging purposes)."
+LangString DESC_YAZ4J ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Source code of YAZ. Required if you need to rebuild YAZ (for debugging purposes)."
;Assign language strings to sections
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${YAZ_Development} $(DESC_YAZ_Development)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${YAZ_Documentation} $(DESC_YAZ_Documentation)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${YAZ_Source} $(DESC_YAZ_Source)
; eof