Use 1.indexdata rather than 1indexdata for debian_revision +
RPM Spec Release.
DEBIAN_DIST="jessie wheezy squeeze"
UBUNTU_DIST="saucy raring quantal precise oneiric lucid"
CENTOS_DIST="centos5 centos6"
+--- 5.0.5 2013/12/09
+Add support for MARC-in-JSON. yaz-marcdump and the record conversion module
+can read and write this format. For record format JSON, yaz-ztest returns
+MARC-in-JSON records.
+iconv: fixes and more tests for danmarc character set encoding. 0xa733 is
+converted to @å , 0xa732 is converted to @Å instead of @a733, @a732 .
--- 5.0.4 2013/11/22
Improve error reporting for ICU chains YAZ-707
+yaz (5.0.5-1.indexdata) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Upstream.
+ -- Adam Dickmeiss <> Mon, 09 Dec 2013 11:43:34 +0100
yaz (5.0.4-1indexdata) unstable; urgency=low
* Upstream.
Name: yaz
Summary: Z39.50 Programs
Version: %{idmetaversion}
-Release: 1indexdata
+Release: 1.indexdata
# determine system
%define is_mandrake %(test -e /etc/mandrake-release && echo 1 || echo 0)