# Setup file
set {profile(zserver)} {Zserver localhost 8889 {} 90000 90000 tcpip {esdd Default} 1 {} 1 Z39 28}
set {profile(Penn)} {{Penn State's Library} 210 {} 16384 8192 tcpip CATALOG 1 {} {} Z39 2}
-set {profile(ztest)} {{test server} feast 9999 {} 60000 60000 tcpip dummy 1 {} 1 Z39 3 {} {} {} {}}
+set {profile(ztest)} {{test server} feast 9999 {} 60000 60000 tcpip Default 1 {} 1 Z39 3 {} {} {} {}}
set {profile(madison)} {{University of Wisconsin-Madison} z3950.adp.wisc.edu 210 {} 16384 8192 tcpip madison 1 {} {} Z39 22}
set {profile(arca-test)} {{} signore2.cnuce.cnr.it 5002 {} 50000 30000 tcpip CNRCP 1 {} {} Z39 29 2 0 0 4}
set {profile(bibsys)} {{BIBSYS Target (YAZ-based)} z3950.bibsys.no 2100 {} 16384 8192 tcpip BIBSYS 1 {} 1 Z39 27}
set {profile(LOC)} {{Library of Congress} IBM2.LOC.gov 2210 {} 16384 16384 tcpip {BOOKS NAMES} 1 {} 0 Z39 6}
set {profile(DANBIB)} {{SR Target DANBIB} 0103/find2.denet.dk 4500 {} 8192 8192 mosi danbib 1 {} 1 SR 8}
set {profile(OCLC)} {{OCLC First search engine} z3950.oclc.org 210 {} 16384 8192 tcpip {ArticleFirst BiographyIndex BusinessPeriodicalsIndex} 1 {} {} Z39 9}
-set {profile(CARL)} {{CARL systems} Z3950.carl.org 210 {} 16384 8192 tcpip {ACC AIC AUR BEM CUB DPL DNU EPL FRC LAW LCC MCC MIN MPL NJC NWC OCC PPC PUE RDR RGU SPL TCC TKU UNC WYO} 1 {} {} Z39 11}
set {profile(adad)} {a {} 210 {} 16384 8192 tcpip {} 1 {} {} Z39 26}
-set {profile(Innovative)} {{Innovatives server: demo.iii.com} demo.iii.com 210 {} 16384 8192 tcpip DEFAULT 1 {} {} Z39 12}
+set {profile(CARL)} {{CARL systems} Z3950.carl.org 210 {} 16384 8192 tcpip {ACC AIC AUR BEM CUB DPL DNU EPL FRC LAW LCC MCC MIN MPL NJC NWC OCC PPC PUE RDR RGU SPL TCC TKU UNC WYO} 1 {} {} Z39 11}
set {profile(CLSI)} {CLSI inet-gw.clsi.us.geac.com 210 {} 16384 8192 tcpip cl_default 1 {} {} Z39 13}
+set {profile(Innovative)} {{Innovatives server: demo.iii.com} demo.iii.com 210 {} 16384 8192 tcpip DEFAULT 1 {} {} Z39 12}
set {profile(AULS)} {{Acadia university} auls.acadiau.ca 210 {} 16384 8192 tcpip AULS 1 {} {} Z39 14}
-set {profile(canberra)} {canberra canberra.cs.umass.edu 2110 {} 30000 30000 tcpip cacm_dots 1 {} {} Z39 25}
set {profile(dranet)} {dranet dranet.dra.com 210 {} 16384 16384 tcpip drewdb 1 {} 1 Z39 15}
+set {profile(canberra)} {canberra canberra.cs.umass.edu 2110 {} 30000 30000 tcpip cacm_dots 1 {} {} Z39 25}
set queryTypes {Simple phrase}
set queryButtons {{{I 3} {I 0} {I 0}} {{I 0} {I 1} {I 0}}}
set queryInfo {{ {Title {1=4}} {Author {1=1}} {Subject {1=21}} {Any {1=1016}} {Query 1=1016 2=102} {Title-rank 1=4 2=102} {Date/time 1=1012} {Title-regular 1=4 2=3 4=2 5=102}} {{Title 1=4 4=1 6=2} {Author 1=1003 4=1 6=2} {ISBN 1=7} {ISSN 1=8} {Year 1=30 4=4 6=2} {Any {}}}}
# TagSet definition file
-# $Id: tagsets.tcl,v 1.1 1996-03-29 16:04:32 adam Exp $
+# $Id: tagsets.tcl,v 1.2 1996-04-12 13:45:42 adam Exp $
# TagSet-M
set tagSet(2,17) description
set tagSet(2,18) time
set tagSet(2,19) documentcontent
+set tagSet(4,1) controlIdentifier
+set tagSet(4,2) streetAddress
+set tagSet(4,3) city
+set tagSet(4,4) state
+set tagSet(4,5) zipcode
+set tagSet(4,6) hoursOfService
+set tagSet(4,7) resourceDescription
+set tagSet(4,8) technicalPrerequisites
+set tagSet(4,9) westernMost/westBoundingCoordinate
+set tagSet(4,10) easternMost/eastBoundingCoordinate
+set tagSet(4,11) northernMost/northBoundingCoordinate
+set tagSet(4,12) southernMost/southBoundingCoordinate
+set tagSet(4,13) geographicKeywordName
+set tagSet(4,14) geographicKeywordType
+set tagSet(4,15) timePeriodStructured
+set tagSet(4,16) timePeriodTextual
+set tagSet(4,17) linkage
+set tagSet(4,18) linkageType
+set tagSet(4,19) recordSource
+set tagSet(4,20) controlledTerm/ct
+set tagSet(4,21) thesaurus
+set tagSet(4,22) localSubjectTerm/lst
+set tagSet(4,23) originalControlIdentifier
+set tagSet(4,51) purpose
+set tagSet(4,52) originator
+set tagSet(4,53) accessConstraints
+set tagSet(4,54) useConstraints
+set tagSet(4,55) orderProcess
+set tagSet(4,56) agencyProgram
+set tagSet(4,57) sourcesOfData
+set tagSet(4,58) methodology
+set tagSet(4,59) supplementalInformation
+set tagSet(4,70) availability
+set tagSet(4,71) spatialReference/spatialDomain
+set tagSet(4,90) distributor
+set tagSet(4,91) boundingRectangle/boundingCoordinates
+set tagSet(4,92) geographicName
+set tagSet(4,93) timePeriod
+set tagSet(4,94) pointOfContact
+set tagSet(4,95) controlledVocabulary
+set tagSet(4,96) indexTermsControlled
+set tagSet(4,97) localSubjectIndex
+set tagSet(4,98) crossReference/cr