--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- fictive yaz-frontend plus zeerex-explain plus retrieval info format -->
+<zeerex xmlns="http://indexdata.com/yaz"
+ xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
+ version="1.0">
+ <listen id="public" tcp="@" port="9900"/>
+ <listen id="internal" unix="/var/tmp/socket"/>
+ <protocol id="sru" sru_get="true" sru_post="true" sru_soap="true"/>
+ <protocol id="sru_get" sru_get="true"/>
+ <protocol id="z3950" z3950="true"/>
+ <!--
+ <protocol id="rss" rss="true" />
+ <protocol id="oai" oai="true" />
+ <protocol id="http" http="true" />
+ -->
+ <implementation id="metaproxy" version="1.0">
+ <dc:title>Metaproxy</dc:title>
+ <dc:source>http://www.indexdata.dk/zebra</dc:source>
+ </implementation>
+ <server id="server1">
+ <listen refid="public"/>
+ <listen refid="internal"/>
+ <protocol refid="sru"/>
+ <protocol refid="z3950"/>
+ <database name="Default">
+ <!-- host and port can be different from listen socket
+ due to firewalling!!! -->
+ <target host="server1.mydomain" port="80"/>
+ <!--<authentication>
+ <user>azaroth</user>
+ <group>agroup</group>
+ <password>squirrelfish</password>
+ </authentication>-->
+ <indexInfo refid="indexes_cql_pqf"/>
+ </database>
+ <configInfo>
+ <directory>/var/www/s1</directory>
+ <config>config.cfg</config>
+ <cql2rpn>../etc/pqf.properties</cql2rpn>
+ </configInfo>
+ <!--
+ <friendInfo>
+ <server>
+ <protocol refid="sru"/>
+ <protocol refid="z3950"/>
+ <target host="some.server.com" port="8000"/>
+ </server>
+ <server>
+ <protocol refid="z3950"/>
+ <target host="some.other.server.com" port="1234"/>
+ </server>
+ </friendInfo>
+ -->
+ <indexInfo id="indexes_cql_pqf">
+ <set name="cql" identifier="info:srw/cql-context-set/1/cql-v1.1">
+ <title>CQL Standard Set</title>
+ </set>
+ <set name="rec" identifier="info:srw/cql-context-set/2/rec-1.0">
+ <title>Record Standard Set</title>
+ </set>
+ <set name="dc" identifier="info:srw/cql-context-set/1/dc-v1.1">
+ <title>Dublin Core Set</title>
+ </set>
+ <set name="bib1" identifier="1.2.840.10003.3.1">
+ <title>BIB-1 Z39.50 Standard Set</title>
+ </set>
+ <!-- CQL standard index -->
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">CQL Server Choice</title>
+ <map><name set="cql">serverChoice</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">text</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">CQL All</title>
+ <map><name set="cql">all</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">text</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <!-- Record ID index -->
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">Record ID</title>
+ <map><name set="rec">id</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">rec_id</attr>
+ <attr type="4" set="bib1">3</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <!-- Dublin Core Indexes -->
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">DC Title</title>
+ <map><name set="dc">title</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">dc_title</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">DC Creator</title>
+ <map><name set="dc">creator</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">dc_creator</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">DC Subject</title>
+ <map><name set="dc">subject</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">dc_subject</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">DC Description</title>
+ <map><name set="dc">description</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">dc_description</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">DC Publisher</title>
+ <map><name set="dc">publisher</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">dc_publisher</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">DC Contributor</title>
+ <map><name set="dc">contributor</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">dc_contributor</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">DC Date</title>
+ <map><name set="dc">date</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">dc_date</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">DC Type</title>
+ <map><name set="dc">type</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">dc_type</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">DC Format</title>
+ <map><name set="dc">format</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1"></attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">DC Identifier</title>
+ <map><name set="dc">identifier</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">dc_identifier</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">DC Source</title>
+ <map><name set="dc">source</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">dc_source</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">DC Language</title>
+ <map><name set="dc">language</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">dc_language</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">DC Relation</title>
+ <map><name set="dc">relation</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">dc_relation</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">DC Coverage</title>
+ <map><name set="dc">coverage</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">dc_coverage</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ <index search="true" scan="true" sort="false">
+ <title lang="en">DC Rights</title>
+ <map><name set="dc">rights</name></map>
+ <map>
+ <attr type="1" set="bib1">dc_rights</attr>
+ </map>
+ </index>
+ </indexInfo>
+ </server>
+ <cqlInfo>
+ <!-- searchRetrieve settings -->
+ <!-- default context set -->
+ <default type="contextSet">cql</default>
+ <default type="index">all</default>
+ <!-- default relation -->
+ <default type="relation">=</default>
+ <!-- relation supported by the server or index -->
+ <supports type="relation"><</supports> <!-- 2=1 OK -->
+ <supports type="relation"><=</supports> <!-- 2=2 OK -->
+ <supports type="relation">=</supports> <!-- 2=3 OK -->
+ <supports type="relation">>=</supports> <!-- 2=4 OK -->
+ <supports type="relation">></supports> <!-- 2=5 OK -->
+ <!-- <supports type="relation"><></supports> --><!-- 2=6 DEAD !!! -->
+ <!-- <supports type="relation">all</supports> --><!-- 2=3 OK -->
+ <!-- <supports type="relation">any</supports> --><!-- 2=3 OK -->
+ <!-- relation modifier supported by the server or index -->
+ <!-- MARC: So I promise that you can use 'title <>/stem fish' , but it
+ really defaults to 'title =/stem fish' ??? And nobody cares ???-->
+ <!-- <supports type="relationModifier">relevant</supports> --><!-- 2=102 OK, makes no difference .. sic -->
+ <!-- <supports type="relationModifier">phonetic</supports> --> <!-- 2=100 DEAD -->
+ <!-- <supports type="relationModifier">stem</supports> --> <!-- 2=101 DEAD !! -->
+ <!-- support proximity (Empty) -->
+ <!-- <supports type="proximity"></supports> --> <!-- DEAD, title = (house prox/distance=1/unit=word the) FAILS -->
+ <!-- proximity modifier supported by the server or index
+ (relation, distance, unit, ordering) -->
+ <!-- <supports type="proximityModifier"></supports> -->
+ <!-- boolean modifier supported by the server or index -->
+ <!-- <supports type="booleanModifier"></supports> -->
+ <!-- masking character supported (* or ?) -->
+ <supports type="maskingCharacter">*</supports>
+ <supports type="maskingCharacter">?</supports>
+ <!-- anchoring supported? (^ character) -->
+ <!-- MARC: how do I express that I only support left anchoring in
+ the beginning of the field ( bib1 3=1 ), but no right anchoring ?? -->
+ <!-- MIKE: You can't. The ZeeRex documentation should be changed
+ to allow this, as <supports type="anchoring">left</supports> -->
+ <!-- <supports type="anchoring"></supports> -->
+ <!-- empty terms supported (Empty) -->
+ <supports type="emptyTerm"></supports>
+ <!-- sorting settings -->
+ <!-- server support sort -->
+ <!-- <supports type="sort"></supports> -->
+ <!-- supported sortmodifier (ascending, missingValue, caseSensitive) -->
+ <!-- <supports type="sortModifier"></supports> -->
+ <!-- MIKE: this is for the new CQL "sortby" sorting, which Zebra
+ doesn't yet do at all, so you're right to omit this for now. -->
+ <!-- presentation settings -->
+ <!-- default number of records that a server will return at once -->
+ <default type="numberOfRecords">0</default>
+ <!-- default schema used for retrieved records -->
+ <default type="retrieveSchema">dc</default>
+ <!-- default stylesheet URL, or if stylesheets are supported -->
+ <setting type="stylesheet">docpath/sru.xsl</setting>
+ <!-- default record packing returned (string or xml) -->
+ <default type="recordPacking">xml</default>
+ <!-- maximum number of records that a server will return at once -->
+ <!-- <setting type="maximumRecords">1000</setting> -->
+ <!-- support result sets (Empty) -->
+ <!-- <supports type="resultSets"></supports> -->
+ <!-- XPath retrieval supported -->
+ <!-- <supports type="recordXPath"></supports> -->
+ <!-- scan settings -->
+ <!-- scan operation supported -->
+ <supports type="scan"></supports>
+ <!-- default number of terms to be returned in scan -->
+ <default type="numberOfTerms">20</default>
+ <!-- other server settings -->
+ <!-- older version of the protocol supported -->
+ <!-- <supports type="version">1.1</supports> -->
+ <!-- number of seconds that a result set will be maintained for -->
+ <setting type="resultSetTTL">0</setting>
+ <!-- A type of extraRequestData available in the
+ searchRetrieveRequest. The extra*Data fields are represented as two
+ space separated words, the first the identifier for the extension and
+ the second the individual element name from the extension. If there is
+ only one word, then it is the extension id and all elements from
+ within are supported. -->
+ <!-- <supports type="extraSearchData"></supports> -->
+ <!-- MIKE: we could explain x-pquery here -->
+ <!-- MARC: I talked to Adam about this. We should make a new 'x-type'
+ with possible values PQF, CQL, CCL , .. such that 'query' still is
+ obligatory, and carries the query string, be it PQF, CCL, or CQL. -->
+ <!-- MIKE: Yes, that would be _much_ better -->
+ <!-- A type of extraRequestData available in the explainRequest -->
+ <!-- <supports type="extraExplainData"></supports> -->
+ <!-- A type of extraRequestData available in the scanRequest -->
+ <!-- <supports type="extraScanData"></supports> -->
+ <!-- MIKE: we could explain x-pscan here -->
+ <!-- MARC: re-use of 'x-type' here .. drop 'x-pscan' -->
+ <!-- The URI identifier of a supported profile -->
+ <!-- MARC: what's this ?? -->
+ <!-- <supports type="profile"></supports> -->
+ <!-- MIKE: this is a very good thing, which we should use when the
+ time is right. A "profile" is a complete set of
+ specifications for using Z39.50 and/or SRU within a
+ particular application domain. We should write a (brief)
+ "Alvis Profile for SRU", assign it an opaque identifier URI,
+ and point to it here. (Not today, though!) -->
+ <!-- MARC: so this is some HTML prosa text ?? -->
+ <!-- MIKE: see for example
+ http://zthes2.z3950.org/srw/zthes-srw-1.0.html
+ -->
+ </cqlInfo>
\ No newline at end of file