timeout => undef, # Filled in by initialise()
tests => undef, # Tree of tests to be executed
activeSetSize => defined $activeSetSize ? $activeSetSize : 10,
+ rules => [], # Can be filled by apply_rules()
+ vars => {}, # Will contain name, id, version, etc.
+ # May be written into by tests (mostly
+ # Ping, which gets the Init response)
+ # and read by tests for rules.
}, $class;
$this->log("irspy", "starting up with database '$dbname'");
return $this;
+# Read from and write to the set of vars
+sub var {
+ my $this = shift();
+ my($key, $newval) = @_;
+ if (defined $newval) {
+ $this->{vars}->{$key} = $newval;
+ #warn "$this: set '$key'='$newval'";
+ } else {
+ my $oldval = $this->{vars}->{$key};
+ $oldval = "" if !defined $oldval;
+ #warn "$this: got '$key'='$oldval'";
+ return $oldval;
+ }
# wrapper to read the IRSpy database name from environment variable / apache config
sub connect_to_registry {
my %args = @_;
+sub apply_rules {
+ my $this = shift();
+ my($fileName) = @_;
+ my $f = new IO::File("<$fileName")
+ or die "$0: can't open rules file '$fileName': $!";
+ while (my $line = <$f>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ $line =~ s/#.*//;
+ $line =~ s/\s+$//;
+ next if !$line;
+ my(@fields) = split /\s+/, $line;
+ my($name, $op, $val, $rule, @params) = @fields;
+ #warn "parsed name='$name', op='$op', val='$val', rule='$rule', params='@params'\n";
+ push @{ $this->{rules} }, [ @fields ];
+ }
+ $f->close();
# Records must be fetched for all records satisfying $this->{query} If
# $this->{targets} is already set (i.e. a specific list of targets to
# check was specified by a call to targets()), then new, empty records
or die "invalid nextaddr '$nextaddr'";
$conn->option(current_test_address => $nextaddr);
my $tname = $node->name();
+ if ($this->should_skip_test($tname)) {
+ warn "skipping test '$tname' due to rule";
+ goto NEXT_TEST;
+ }
"starting test '$nextaddr' = $tname");
my $tasks = $conn->tasks();
# do not run the next task if we got too many timeouts
if (ZOOM::IRSpy::Test::zoom_error_timeout_check($conn)) {
- $conn->log("irspy_task", "Got to many timeouts for this target, do not start a new task");
+ $conn->log("irspy_task", "Got too many timeouts for this target, do not start a new task");
+### This could of course call a much more general looping evaluator
+sub should_skip_test {
+ my $this = shift();
+ my($tname) = @_;
+ foreach my $rule (@{ $this->{rules} }) {
+ my($name, $op, $val, $rule, @params) = @$rule;
+ #warn "using name='$name', op='$op', val='$val', rule='$rule', params='@params'\n";
+ if ($op eq "~" &&
+ $rule eq "skip" &&
+ $params[0] eq $tname) {
+ my $re = $val;
+ $re =~ s/^\/(.*)\/$/$1/;
+ if ($this->var($name) =~ $re) {
+ #warn "$name '", $this->var($name), "' matches /$re/ -- skipping '$tname'";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
# Exactly equivalent to ZOOM::event() except that it is tolerant to
# undefined values in the array being passed in.
return undef if $address eq "";
# Try next sibling child
- my @components = split /:/, $address;
+ # The use of a regexp in split() is to avoid confusing Emacs's
+ # Perl mode; the third colon is to avoid looking like a POSIX
+ # named character class ... *sigh*
+ my @components = split /[:::]/, $address;
my $last = pop @components;
my $maybe = join(":", @components, $last+1);
return $maybe if $this->{tree}->select($maybe);
sub _last_sibling_test {
+ die "_last_sibling_test() called -- I thought that never happened?";
my $this = shift();
my($address) = @_;
sub _next_sibling_test {
+ die "_next_sibling_test() called -- I thought that never happened?";
my $this = shift();
my($address) = @_;
- my @components = split /:/, $address;
+ my @components = split /[:::]/, $address;
my $last = pop @components;
my $maybe = join(":", @components, $last+1);
return $maybe if $this->{tree}->select($maybe);