- var renderTargetsReqVar;\r
- var renderOnRecordTargetsReqVar;\r
- \r
- // Renders UI elements listed in 'renderWhileActiveclients', optionally doing \r
- // another update round-trip to Pazpar2 when done.\r
- function renderTargets(doRefresh)\r
- {\r
- //console.log('rendering ' + renderWhileActiveclients);\r
- var sourcecomp = document.getElementById("pz2watch:activeclientsField");\r
- jsf.ajax.request(sourcecomp, null,{render: renderWhileActiveclients});\r
- if (doRefresh) {\r
- //console.log('Will do another ajax request after a timeout in order to render: pz2watch:activeclientsField'); \r
- renderTargetsReqVar=setTimeout(\r
- function() { \r
- //console.log('Making request for pz2watch:activeclientsField');\r
- jsf.ajax.request(sourcecomp, null,{render: "pz2watch:activeclientsField"}); \r
- }\r
- ,500);\r
- } else {\r
- //console.log("No further updates from server requested");\r
- }\r
+var renderTargetsReqVar;\r
+var renderOnRecordTargetsReqVar;\r
+// Renders UI elements listed in 'renderWhileActiveclients', optionally doing\r
+// another update round-trip to Pazpar2 when done.\r
+function renderTargets(doRefresh) {\r
+ // console.log('rendering ' + renderWhileActiveclients);\r
+ var sourcecomp = document.getElementById("pz2watch:activeclientsField");\r
+ jsf.ajax.request(sourcecomp, null, {\r
+ render : renderWhileActiveclients\r
+ });\r
+ if (doRefresh) {\r
+ // console.log('Will do another ajax request after a timeout in order to\r
+ // render: pz2watch:activeclientsField');\r
+ renderTargetsReqVar = setTimeout(function() {\r
+ // console.log('Making request for pz2watch:activeclientsField');\r
+ jsf.ajax.request(sourcecomp, null, {\r
+ render : "pz2watch:activeclientsField"\r
+ });\r
+ }, 500);\r
+ } else {\r
+ // console.log("No further updates from server requested");\r
+ }\r
+// Renders UI elements listed in 'renderWhileActiveclientsRecord', optionally\r
+// doing\r
+// another record request when done.\r
+function renderOnRecordTargets(doRefresh) {\r
+ // console.log('rendering ' + renderWhileActiveclientsRecord);\r
+ var sourcecomp = document.getElementById("pz2watch:activeclientsFieldRecord");\r
+ jsf.ajax.request(sourcecomp, null, {\r
+ render : renderWhileActiveclientsRecord\r
+ });\r
+ if (doRefresh) {\r
+ // console.log('Will do another ajax request after a timeout in order to\r
+ // render: pz2watch:activeclientsFieldRecord');\r
+ renderOnRecordTargetsReqVar = setTimeout(function() {\r
+ // console.log('Making request for pz2watch:activeclientsFieldRecord');\r
+ jsf.ajax.request(sourcecomp, null, {\r
+ render : "pz2watch:activeclientsFieldRecord"\r
+ });\r
+ }, 1000);\r
+ } else {\r
+ // console.log("No further updates from server requested");\r
- \r
- // Renders UI elements listed in 'renderWhileActiveclientsRecord', optionally doing \r
- // another record request when done.\r
- function renderOnRecordTargets(doRefresh)\r
- {\r
- console.log('rendering ' + renderWhileActiveclientsRecord);\r
- var sourcecomp = document.getElementById("pz2watch:activeclientsFieldRecord");\r
- jsf.ajax.request(sourcecomp, null,{render: renderWhileActiveclientsRecord});\r
- if (doRefresh) {\r
- console.log('Will do another ajax request after a timeout in order to render: pz2watch:activeclientsFieldRecord'); \r
- renderOnRecordTargetsReqVar=setTimeout(\r
- function() { \r
- console.log('Making request for pz2watch:activeclientsFieldRecord');\r
- jsf.ajax.request(sourcecomp, null,{render: "pz2watch:activeclientsFieldRecord"}); \r
- }\r
- ,1000);\r
+// Listens for browser initiated changes to 'window.location.hash' and sends the\r
+// hash\r
+// changes to the back-end (to have the back-end pull up a previous Pazpar2\r
+// state)\r
+function windowlocationhashListener() {\r
+ if (trackHistory) {\r
+ // console.log("browser hash update detected");\r
+ var stateKey = document.getElementById("pz2watch:windowlocationhash");\r
+ if (window.location.hash != stateKey.value) {\r
+ // console.log("updating stateKey with new browser hash: " +\r
+ // window.location.hash);\r
+ stateKey.value = window.location.hash;\r
+ if (!stateKey.value)\r
+ window.location.hash = '#1';\r
+ stateKey.onchange();\r
} else {\r
- //console.log("No further updates from server requested");\r
+ // console.log("State hash already has the value of the new browser hash -\r
+ // not updating state hash");\r
- // Listens for browser initiated changes to 'window.location.hash' and sends the hash\r
- // changes to the back-end (to have the back-end pull up a previous Pazpar2 state)\r
- function windowlocationhashListener () {\r
- if (trackHistory) {\r
- //console.log("browser hash update detected");\r
- var stateKey = document.getElementById("pz2watch:windowlocationhash");\r
- if (window.location.hash != stateKey.value) {\r
- //console.log("updating stateKey with new browser hash: " + window.location.hash);\r
- stateKey.value = window.location.hash;\r
- if (! stateKey.value) window.location.hash = '#1';\r
- stateKey.onchange();\r
- } else {\r
- //console.log("State hash already has the value of the new browser hash - not updating state hash");\r
- } \r
- } \r
+// Listens for ViewExpiredException message. Reloads the current page, stripped\r
+// of\r
+// it's jsessionid and hash content\r
+function viewExpirationListener(data) {\r
+ if (data.status === "success" && data.responseXML) {\r
+ var errorElements = data.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("error-name");\r
+ if (errorElements.length > 0) {\r
+ var errorname = errorElements.item(0).textContent\r
+ || errorElements.item(0).text;\r
+ if (errorname === "class javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException") {\r
+ var newloc = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host\r
+ + window.location.pathname.replace(/;jsessionid.*/, '');\r
+ alert('Sorry, this session has expired. A new one will be loaded.');\r
+ window.location.replace(newloc);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
- \r
- // Listens for ViewExpiredException message. Reloads the current page, stripped of\r
- // it's jsessionid and hash content\r
- function viewExpirationListener (data) {\r
- if (data.status === "success" && data.responseXML) { \r
- var errorElements = data.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("error-name");\r
- if (errorElements.length>0) {\r
- var errorname = errorElements.item(0).textContent || errorElements.item(0).text;\r
- if (errorname === "class javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException") {\r
- var newloc = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname.replace(/;jsessionid.*/,'');\r
- alert('Sorry, this session has expired. A new one will be loaded.');\r
- window.location.replace(newloc);\r
- } \r
- }\r
- }\r
- \r
+function errorListener(data) {\r
+ // alert(data.toSource());\r
+ if (data.source.name === "pz2watch:activeclientsField") {\r
+ alert("This occurred when polling: ["\r
+ + data.description\r
+ + "]. The page could be in an inconsistent state after this. We apologize for the inconvenience.");\r
+ } else {\r
+ var pattern = /viewId.*could not be restored./;\r
+ if (pattern.test(data.description)) {\r
+ // ignore - caught by view expiration listener\r
+ } else {\r
+ alert("An error ["\r
+ + data.description\r
+ + "] was triggered by ["\r
+ + data.source.name\r
+ + "]. The page could be in an inconsistent state after this. We apologize for the inconvenience.");\r
+ }\r
- // Composite listener, invoking all field update listeners\r
- function fieldUpdateListener (data) {\r
- if (data.status === "success") {\r
- var updates = data.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("update");\r
- for (var i=0, max=updates.length; i<max; i++) {\r
- var lsnri = fieldListeners.getListener(updates[i].getAttribute("id"));\r
- if (lsnri) {\r
- lsnri.invoke(updates[i]);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- } \r
+// Composite listener, invoking all field update listeners\r
+function fieldUpdateListener(data) {\r
+ if (data.status === "success") {\r
+ var updates = data.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("update");\r
+ for ( var i = 0, max = updates.length; i < max; i++) {\r
+ var lsnri = fieldListeners.getListener(updates[i].getAttribute("id"));\r
+ if (lsnri) {\r
+ lsnri.invoke(updates[i]);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
- \r
- var Pz2listeners = function () {\r
- var lsnrs = {};\r
- this.addListener = function (key, lsnr) {\r
- lsnrs[key] =lsnr;\r
- };\r
- this.getListener = function (key) {\r
- return lsnrs[key];\r
- };\r
+var Pz2listeners = function() {\r
+ var lsnrs = {};\r
+ this.addListener = function(key, lsnr) {\r
+ lsnrs[key] = lsnr;\r
+ this.getListener = function(key) {\r
+ return lsnrs[key];\r
+ };\r
- var fieldListeners = new Pz2listeners();\r
+var fieldListeners = new Pz2listeners();\r
- // Listens for back-end initiated changes to the state key and updates\r
- // window.location.hash with changes, to record them in browsing history\r
- var StateListener = function () {\r
- this.invoke = function (field) {\r
- var stateKeyDoc = StringtoXML(field.textContent || field.text);\r
- var stateKeyValue = stateKeyDoc.childNodes[0].getAttribute("value");\r
- //console.log('Application hash update detected. New value: ' + stateKeyValue);\r
- if (stateKeyValue !== window.location.hash) {\r
- window.location.hash = stateKeyValue;\r
- //console.log("Browsers hash updated accordingly.");\r
- } else {\r
- //console.log("Browsers hash already has the value of the state hash. Not updating browser hash."); \r
- }\r
- };\r
+// Listens for back-end initiated changes to the state key and updates\r
+// window.location.hash with changes, to record them in browsing history\r
+var StateListener = function() {\r
+ this.invoke = function(field) {\r
+ var stateKeyDoc = StringtoXML(field.textContent || field.text);\r
+ var stateKeyValue = stateKeyDoc.childNodes[0].getAttribute("value");\r
+ // console.log('Application hash update detected. New value: ' +\r
+ // stateKeyValue);\r
+ if (stateKeyValue !== window.location.hash) {\r
+ window.location.hash = stateKeyValue;\r
+ // console.log("Browsers hash updated accordingly.");\r
+ } else {\r
+ // console.log("Browsers hash already has the value of the state hash. Not\r
+ // updating browser hash.");\r
+ }\r
- \r
- // Listens for updates to general 'activeclients' field, then invokes renderTargets\r
- var ActiveclientsListener = function () {\r
- this.invoke = function (field) {\r
- var updateDoc = StringtoXML(field.textContent || field.text);\r
- var activeClientsValue = (updateDoc.childNodes[0].textContent || updateDoc.childNodes[0].text);\r
- //console.log('Activeclients response detected: ' + activeClientsValue);\r
- clearTimeout(renderTargetsReqVar);\r
- if (activeClientsValue > '0') {\r
- renderTargets(true);\r
- } else {\r
- renderTargets(false);\r
- }\r
- };\r
+// Listens for updates to general 'activeclients' field, then invokes\r
+// renderTargets\r
+var ActiveclientsListener = function() {\r
+ this.invoke = function(field) {\r
+ var updateDoc = StringtoXML(field.textContent || field.text);\r
+ var activeClientsValue = (updateDoc.childNodes[0].textContent || updateDoc.childNodes[0].text);\r
+ // console.log('Activeclients response detected: ' + activeClientsValue);\r
+ clearTimeout(renderTargetsReqVar);\r
+ if (activeClientsValue > '0') {\r
+ renderTargets(true);\r
+ } else {\r
+ renderTargets(false);\r
+ }\r
- \r
- // Listens for updates to record 'activeclients' field, then invokes renderOnRecordTargets\r
- var ActiveclientsRecordListener = function () {\r
- this.invoke = function (field) {\r
- var updateDoc = StringtoXML(field.textContent || field.text);\r
- var activeClientsRecordValue = (updateDoc.childNodes[0].textContent || updateDoc.childNodes[0].text);\r
- console.log('Activeclients response for record detected: ' + activeClientsRecordValue);\r
- clearTimeout(renderOnRecordTargetsReqVar);\r
- if (activeClientsRecordValue > '0') {\r
- renderOnRecordTargets(true);\r
- } else {\r
- console.log('Active clients is 0, final rendering');\r
- renderOnRecordTargets(false);\r
- }\r
- };\r
- };\r
- \r
- // Inserts field update listeners, state listeners, view expired listener\r
- // into Ajax response handling \r
- jsf.ajax.addOnEvent(fieldUpdateListener);\r
- jsf.ajax.addOnEvent(viewExpirationListener);\r
- \r
- function StringtoXML(text){\r
- var doc;\r
- if (window.ActiveXObject){\r
- doc=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');\r
- doc.async=false;\r
- doc.loadXML(text);\r
- } else {\r
- var parser=new DOMParser();\r
- doc=parser.parseFromString(text,'text/xml');\r
- }\r
- return doc;\r
+// Listens for updates to record 'activeclients' field, then invokes\r
+// renderOnRecordTargets\r
+var ActiveclientsRecordListener = function() {\r
+ this.invoke = function(field) {\r
+ var updateDoc = StringtoXML(field.textContent || field.text);\r
+ var activeClientsRecordValue = (updateDoc.childNodes[0].textContent || updateDoc.childNodes[0].text);\r
+ console.log('Activeclients response for record detected: '\r
+ + activeClientsRecordValue);\r
+ clearTimeout(renderOnRecordTargetsReqVar);\r
+ if (activeClientsRecordValue > '0') {\r
+ renderOnRecordTargets(true);\r
+ } else {\r
+ console.log('Active clients is 0, final rendering');\r
+ renderOnRecordTargets(false);\r
+ }\r
+ };\r
+// Inserts field update listeners, state listeners, view expired listener\r
+// into Ajax response handling\r
+function StringtoXML(text) {\r
+ var doc;\r
+ if (window.ActiveXObject) {\r
+ doc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');\r
+ doc.async = false;\r
+ doc.loadXML(text);\r
+ } else {\r
+ var parser = new DOMParser();\r
+ doc = parser.parseFromString(text, 'text/xml');\r
+ return doc;\r
- // Sets up field update listeners\r
- var setUpListeners = function () {\r
- //console.log("Starts tracking activeclientsField, for 'show' and 'record'");\r
- fieldListeners.addListener("pz2watch:activeclientsField", new ActiveclientsListener());\r
- fieldListeners.addListener("pz2watch:activeclientsFieldRecord", new ActiveclientsRecordListener());\r
- if (trackHistory) {\r
- //console.log("Starts tracking windowlocationhash field");\r
- fieldListeners.addListener("pz2watch:windowlocationhash", new StateListener());\r
- //console.log("Setting listener for browser onhashchange");\r
- window.onload = window.onhashchange = windowlocationhashListener;\r
- }\r
- };
\ No newline at end of file
+// Sets up field update listeners\r
+var setUpListeners = function() {\r
+ // console.log("Starts tracking activeclientsField, for 'show' and 'record'");\r
+ fieldListeners.addListener("pz2watch:activeclientsField",\r
+ new ActiveclientsListener());\r
+ fieldListeners.addListener("pz2watch:activeclientsFieldRecord",\r
+ new ActiveclientsRecordListener());\r
+ if (trackHistory) {\r
+ // console.log("Starts tracking windowlocationhash field");\r
+ fieldListeners.addListener("pz2watch:windowlocationhash",\r
+ new StateListener());\r
+ // console.log("Setting listener for browser onhashchange");\r
+ window.onload = window.onhashchange = windowlocationhashListener;\r
+ }\r
\ No newline at end of file