--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- $Id: voyager.xml,v 1.1 2003-10-23 08:46:17 adam Exp $ -->
+ <!-- define default target and name it voyager -->
+ <target default="1" name="voyager">
+ <!-- all backend addresses as seen from this proxy .. -->
+ <url>z3950.loc.gov:7090</url>
+ <url>z3950.loc.gov:7094</url>
+ <!-- set session timeout between proxy and backend target -->
+ <target-timeout>300</target-timeout>
+ <!-- set session timeout between client and proxy.
+ Should be lower than target-timeout -->
+ <client-timeout>180</client-timeout>
+ <!-- if either bandwidth or pdu limit is reached the session is no
+ longer kept alive -->
+ <keepalive>
+ <bandwidth>500000</bandwidth>
+ <pdu>500</pdu>
+ </keepalive>
+ <!-- client limits .. -->
+ <limit>
+ <bandwidth>200000</bandwidth>
+ <pdu>31</pdu>
+ <retrieve>20</retrieve>
+ </limit>
+ <!-- list allowed attributes; reject all others at the end -->
+ <attribute type="1" value="1-11,13-1010"/>
+ <attribute type="1" value="*" error="114"/>
+ <!-- list allowed record syntaxes; reject all others at the end -->
+ <syntax type="opac"/>
+ <syntax type="usmarc"/>
+ <syntax type="none"/>
+ <syntax type="xml" marcxml="1"/>
+ <syntax type="*" error="238"/>
+ <!-- keep this number of spare sessions for future sessions -->
+ <preinit>2</preinit>
+ </target>
+ <!-- maximum number of client sessions. Remember to allow for
+ at least max-clients*2+5 sockets. Use 'ulimit -n 1040' on bash -->
+ <max-clients>500</max-clients>
+ <!-- what we log. Allowed tokens: client-apdu, server-apdu,
+ client-requests, server-requests -->
+ <log>client-requests server-requests</log>