-For RPN queries the index type (w,p,..) may be specified verbatim
-as structure attribute with string value, e.g. @attr 4=w .
+For RPN queries the index type (w,p,..) may be specified verbatim as
+structure attribute with string value, e.g. @attr 4=w .
Changed record update API . It is now handled by function
-zebra_record_update which does insert/replace/delete/update of
-records . This function replaces zebra_record_{insert,delete} and
+zebra_record_update which does insert/replace/delete/update of records .
+This function replaces zebra_record_{insert,delete} and
+zebra_admin_exchange_record. The DOM filter uses this feature and the
+@type attribute in record element specifies the action
+Added support for multi-record updates (Bug #944). Based on patch from
+Hans-Werner Hilse.
--- 2.0.12 2007/03/07