--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# fit.c - experiments in curve fitting
+# for pazpar'2 ranking normalizing
+# We have a number of data points ( position, score) from
+# different sources. The task is to normalize them so that
+# they all fall near the curve y=1/p, where p is the position
+# This is done by adjusting the ranks R so that Rn = aR+b
+# We need to find parameters a,b so as to minimize the chi-
+# squared difference from y=1/p
+my $plotnr = 1; # number the tmp files for plotting
+my $plotcmd = ""; # the plot commands for gnuplot
+# Calculate the (squared) difference from the normalized rank to the 1/n function
+# Params
+# p = position (x)
+# r = rank, not normalized
+# a,b normalizing params
+sub diff {
+ my ( $p, $r, $a, $b ) = @_;
+ my $rn = $r * $a + $b;
+ my $f = 1.0 / $p; # target value
+ my $d = $rn - $f;
+ return $d * $d;
+# Read and process one data file
+# Just one float number per line, nothing else
+sub onefile {
+ my $fn = shift;
+ my @d;
+ open F, $fn or die "Could not open $fn: $!\n";
+ my $n = 1; # number of data points
+ my $first;
+ my $last;
+ my $title;
+ while ( <F> ){
+ chomp();
+ $title = $_ unless defined($title);
+ next unless /^[0-9]/; # skip comments etc
+ my $v = 1.0 * $_ ;
+ $first = $v unless defined($first);
+ $last = $v;
+ #print "Data $n is $v\n";
+ $d[$n++] = $v;
+ }
+ $title =~ s/^[# ]+//; # clean the '#' and leading space
+ print "$fn: '$title' $n points: $first - $last \n";
+ # Initial guess Rn = a*R + b
+ my $a = 1.0 / $first;
+ my $b = - $last;
+ # step sizes for a and b
+ my $da = $a / 3;
+ my $db = - $b / 3;
+ my $iteration = 0;
+ my $prev = 0.0;
+ while (1) {
+ $iteration++;
+ # 5 sums: at (a,b) (a+,b), (a-,b), (a,b+), (a,b-)
+ my $sab = 0.0; # at a,b
+ my $sap = 0.0; # at a+da,b
+ my $sam = 0.0; # at a-da,n
+ my $sbp = 0.0; # at a, b+db
+ my $sbm = 0.0; # at a, b-db
+ for ( my $p = 1 ; $p < $n; $p++ ) {
+ $sab += diff( $p, $d[$p], $a, $b );
+ $sap += diff( $p, $d[$p], $a+$da, $b );
+ $sam += diff( $p, $d[$p], $a-$da, $b );
+ $sbp += diff( $p, $d[$p], $a, $b+$db );
+ $sbm += diff( $p, $d[$p], $a, $b-$db );
+ }
+ my $dif = $sab - $prev;
+ #print "iteration $iteration: a=$a +- $da b=$b +- $db chisq=$sab dif=$dif\n";
+ if ( (abs($da) < abs($a)/100.0 && abs($db) < abs($b)/100.0) ||
+ ($iteration >= 100 ) ||
+ (abs($dif) < 0.00001 ) ) {
+ print "it-$iteration: a=$a +- $da b=$b +- $db chisq=$sab dif=$dif\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ $prev = $sab;
+ # adjust a
+ if ( $sap < $sab && $sap < $sam ) {
+ $a += $da;
+ } elsif ( $sam < $sab && $sam < $sap ) {
+ $a -= $da;
+ } else {
+ $da = $da /2;
+ }
+ $da = $da * 0.99;
+ # adjust b
+ if ( $sbp < $sab && $sbp < $sbm ) {
+ $b += $db;
+ } elsif ( $sbm < $sab && $sbm < $sbp ) {
+ $b -= $db;
+ } else {
+ $db = $db /2;
+ }
+ $db = $db * 0.99;
+ }
+ # plot the file
+ my $pf = "/tmp/plot.$plotnr.data";
+ $plotnr++;
+ open PF, ">$pf" or die "Could not open plot file $pf: $!\n";
+ for ( my $p = 1 ; $p < $n; $p++ ) {
+ my $rn = $d[$p] * $a + $b;
+ print PF "$p $rn\n";
+ }
+ close PF;
+ $plotcmd .= "," if ($plotcmd);
+ $plotcmd .= "\"$pf\" using 1:2 with points title \"$title\"";
+# main
+if ( !defined($ARGV[0]) ) {
+ die "Need at least one file to plot\n";
+while ($ARGV[0]) {
+ onefile( $ARGV[0] );
+ shift(@ARGV);
+my $cmd =
+ "set term png\n" .
+ "set out \"plot.png\" \n" .
+ "plot $plotcmd \n";
+print "$cmd \n";
+open GP, "| gnuplot" or die "Could not open a pipe to gnuplot: $!\n";
+print GP $cmd;
+close GP;
\ No newline at end of file