- <section id="emilda-ils">
- <title>Emilda open source ILS</title>
- <para>
- <ulink url="http://www.emilda.org/">Emilda</ulink>
- is a complete Integrated Library System, released under the
- GNU General Public License. It has a
- full featured Web-OPAC, allowing comprehensive system management
- from virtually any computer with an Internet connection, has
- template based layout allowing anyone to alter the visual
- appearance of Emilda, and is
- &acro.xml; based language for fast and easy portability to virtually any
- language.
- Currently, Emilda is used at three schools in Espoo, Finland.
- </para>
- <para>
- As a surplus, 100% &acro.marc; compatibility has been achieved using the
- &zebra; Server from Index Data as backend server.
- </para>
- </section>
<section id="reindex-ils">
<title>ReIndex.Net web based ILS</title>